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Swami Ram Swarup Yogacharya

Vyasmuniji states that if a person doesnot know about the process of creation then he cannot be accepted as a saint/learned. So, if we pay our attention towards Rigved Mandal 10, Sukta 129, we come to know that process of creation, nursing, destruction and again creation of the universe is eternal and everlasting.
With reference to context to the above Rigvedsukta, learned Metterlic also briefs in his book “The Great Secret” about the period of final destruction that “there was neither being nor non-being, neither atmosphere nor heavens above the atmosphere. What moved, and whither and in whose care? [His idea is that there was no sky (space), no inhabitation.]
Were there waters and the bottomless deep? (i.e., how could there be even an atom of water to survive when living beings did not exist). There was then neither death nor immortality etc.”
So, during the period of final destruction, there was nothing. No water, no air, no world, no earth, stars, moon, sun, no atom, no day, no night, no birth and death, no space etc., but it is astonishing that there was only one alive matter, who needed no help to survive like breathing, food, air etc., and He was “Swayambhu” Almighty God.
In view of the above, it is clear that there was no living-being so no alive learned guru. Further, the mantras state that the non-alive matter Prakriti existed from which the God created the present universe. This present living creation was non-sexual as all the living-beings of the previous world had met with death.
Now, question arises that who would give the knowledge to the ignorant public when all learned gurus, Rishi-Munis of previous creation had left their bodies?
Based on the fundamental law of universe that knowledge is only gained when it is given by somebody, so, in the absence of any alive guru and public being ignorant, at that time there was only Almighty God from whom the knowledge of four Vedas emanates and is originated in the heart of four Rishis as is also mentioned in the following Yajurved mantra 31/7-
(Yajurveda Mantra 31/7)
Meaning- From the adorable, formless Almighty God, the knowledge of Rigved, Yajurved, Samved and Atharvaved emanates. This knowledge is originated in the heart of four Rishis by the power of God. Further, from the said four Rishis, it is gained by a person named “Brahma” who further spreads it in public [Rigved 10/109/1,2 refers].
In this connection, Rishi Patanjali also states his experience in Sutra 1/26 that-
“Sahaeesheypoorve sham apiguruhukalenaanvachchedat” i.e., the God is also the Guru of our ancient four Rishis because like human-beings the God does not meet with death and therefore, he is always free from the bindings of death. So, the knowledge of four Vedas is always available within Him to emanate whereas the gurus/learned acharyas, who are human-beings, always meet with death and cannot preach vedic knowledge in the new creation.
So, we have to worship only one formless God from whom the knowledge of four vedas emanates and Who surprisingly exists even during the time of final destruction. He only starts creation, nursing etc. In this regard, Yajurved mantra 27/36 also states- -‘Na Jataha Na Janishyate’ i.e., there is only one Formless, Almighty, immortal God and equivalent to this, neither any other God was born nor shall be born. He is alone empowered to maintain peace in the world.
Secondly, it is also a fundamental law mentioned in Atharvaved mantra 19/41/1 that to make the nation strong, first the Rishi-Munis gain vedic knowledge and then spread it amongst political leaders and public. We may also pay our attention towards Rigved mantra 1/86/4 that in the absence of vedic knowledge, gained from learned acharya, pious qualities in the human-beings are not generated. As a result, crime rate increases and just as body cannot be saved in the absence of breathing system similarly in the absence of the preach of Vedas by learned acharya, the public of the nation including political leaders, cannot be protected.
So, as was in the previous Yugas, if in the present time, all the learned political leaders and learned Rishi-Munis give protection to the public then why can’t the happiness, pleasure, brotherhood, bright future, long life and peace be maintained in the nation and the world.
Therefore, the base of true knowledge is four Vedas which emanate directly from God in the beginning of every creation. Thereafter, God does not teach but learned acharyas of Vedas traditionally gain and then preach and spread it amongst public. .
The said unchangeable and unchallengeable eternal law made by God Himself is now required to be studied and adopted by the whole world as to maintain peace, as was studied and adopted by the people of previous Yugas.
It is astonishing that the Indian land which is famous to be called as “the land of Rishi, Muni,Tapasvis” full of eternal knowledge of Vedas has nowadays become totally against the Vedic culture. This has been effecting the daily life of all human beings causing violence, corruption, blind faith, immoral deeds, insult of women etc.
No, doubt, the views of all International political leaders are good that they wish to maintain peace and destroy terrorism but very few know that this is only possible if, like the ancient times, the Vedic culture is arranged to be adopted by politicians and entire public.
The study of our Vedic culture mainly four Vedas, Mahabharat Epic, Valmiki Ramayan reveals that up till Mahabharat war i.e., 5300 years ago there was totally/perfectly peace, brotherhood, justice, respect of women, non-violence, ill free world and the world was free from illusion, illiteracy, war, blind faith, poverty, suicide problems, problems of farmers, tensions, corruption, bribery,casteism, dishonor of women etc. The said study and the experiences of the ancient and present learned further reveals that the above ideal situation/environment was not due to the single effort of the politicians but it was due to the efforts of the Kings/Leaders to provide every citizen with the eternal knowledge of Vedas which restrains everybody from indulging in illusion and committing sins. The said fact is briefed in Atharvaved mantra 11/3(2)/31 wherein it is preached that if a nation or a person will attain one-sided progress i.e., in materialism alone then he would never be restricted from committing above quoted sins. So, we will have to pay our personal and deep attention on the said Vedic views that vedic spiritualism is the only way and the means to destroy the evils raised during the progress of worldly matters/materialism. That is, the spiritualism maintains the character of every citizen compelling them to discharge their moral duties further honestly and sincerely which results to maintain peace everywhere and make the nation strong. Otherwise, several countries have achieved huge progress in science and other worldly matters but in the absence of Vedic knowledge, the crime rates are daily increasing there.
The ancient history of the world written by Rishi-Munis in Mahabharat epic and Valmiki Ramayan, very well reveals that the whole world was free from greed, lust, anger and other vices, as a result, no crime took place. We will have to think, if we want nation and the whole world free from any crime then we will have to revert back to vedic philosophy.