Go for organic

There is increasing evidence that chemical  based fertilizers herbicides and pesticides are extremely harmful to our health. Conventional agriculture relies heavily on chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides which are harmful to human health and which enter to food supply chain, penetrate water sources and  harm the livestock. They also devastate natural ecosystem and contaminate the foods grown for people. In addition, artificial colouring in food items also adds fuel to the fire. Organic agriculture requires the elimination of chemical fertilizers, herbicides  and pesticides etc. Through organic agriculture, farmers learn healthy, natural, sustainable farming practices which enrich the soil and increase long term field and nutritional value of food. Organic farming uses co-friendly methods to enrich the soil, increasing the produce while spending less. This benefits everyone by creating healthy environment,  producing a clean water supply and providing true wellness for our communities and diverse eco-system. Organic foods are produced as nature intends. Certified organic foods comply with strict international standards and are free from all  toxic chemicals, herbicides and pesticides which are harmful to human health and animal kingdom. Organic means the food we eat  is pure, safe and also fresh. It is the food which is better tasting and healthy one.
Yours  etc….
S N Raina