God’s Particle or God | The Dilemma continues

Rameshwar Singh Jamwal
India, like many other nations in the world has established an Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle Ladakh, to make endeavor in search of exoplanets, star formations, stellar evolution, galaxies observation and much more. Scientists and many Nations are also in search of God’s particle, the elusive search which is going on for decades and which has consumed Trillions.
The Hadron Collider at CERN, Switzerland was established for researching fundamental particles that makeup matter and despite years of painstaking efforts, we have not been able to find out the exact basic elements constituting matter and what we call as Dark Energy or Dark matter, which constitutes more than 95 % of the mass and energy of this Universe. These scientific endeavors are a must for our material and scientific progress and man’s quest for finding the ultimate truth about this Universe will continue. But there can be other view points to look into all these aspects as well. Majority of Physicists and Cosmologists start with the assumption that there is no God and God is creation of man and not vice a versa and it is only nature, which is all pervading, without giving the exact definition of nature and what led to the formation of this nature, which decides so many things happening around us, from the creation of life to Galaxy and Star formations to the annihilation of atoms and their decay. In order to justify their such belief, they have come up with all types of concepts like Big Bang Theory, the String Theory, the Black Holes, the Dark Energy and Dark matter concept, the evolution of man from Chimpanzees and Gorillas and many other theories and concepts, which get rejected by the same community of scientists at later stages, who then offer some other strange concept or theory.
There are still vast mysteries, unexplained or which defy all scientific explanations; as to what is life, how life came on earth, is there life in other parts of this Universe?, whether our planets and Sun had the same mass, dimensions and speed at the start?, what happens to the life energy after death, why humans have only an average life span of 100 years, why not 500 or 1000 years, and why each species has got its own life span?, How life was generated and what lead to its multiplication?, If life got extinguished after each catastrophic even like when asteroids hit earth or the great ice age spanning up to more than two million years ended, did the life start afresh or our progress started from where it had ended?, Why there is life cycle of all creatures and at what stage it is decided and what type of programme is fed in the genes or cells which dictates the decline of our body functions and ultimately leads to death? What is death? What happens to the life experiences retained in it? Is mind the repository of all our actions and memories or is it there in the brain? What about the speed of mind, can we travel with the speed of mind? What is the difference between mind and brain? What is intelligence and what is intelligent life? Does it depend upon the number of brain cells, called neurons or their processing capacity or the size of the brain? Why some people are more intelligent than others? Is intelligence also inherited from our parents or it has a different source? How the neurons take decisions; to form a particular type of protein and how much protein is to be constructed? How genes act, how they switch on and off and regulate the amount of protein to be constructed? What is soul and how many souls are there in our Universe? Is there any super soul or God? How souls come into being? How they move? What is the force or energy which moves and regulates them? How they enter different types of bodies?
Our concepts of time and space may be fundamental to our approach for the view of universe but our ideas about the evolution of universe, its expansion or its possible contraction and recollapse have also changed many times and it is quite possible that in near future, some more radical concepts may also spring surprises but the fact also remains that we have not been able to find a unified theory of relativity and quantum physics, which many of us perceive as holding the key to revelation of the remaining part of the mysteries of cosmos. we have been able to calculate that the universe came into existence more than 13.8 billion years ago, after an explosion in small primeval ball of immense mass, which has been termed as big-bang, we are still not ready to calculate or judge the time or the time duration of existence of that firewall or a mass of energy which could produce such a gigantic Universe, whose boundaries we have not able to find. We still have no idea as to what made that firewall to explode, what was its size and what it contained, and whether universe can again contract to the same position if all the four known forces; gravity, electro-magnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force, holding the balance of galaxies, stars, atoms and sub atomic particles, lose the equilibrium and balance. We are also at a loss to say with certainty as to whether we would be able to physically travel beyond our own galaxy, the Milky Way in next few thousand years and do real time examination of the possibility of any life or intelligent life in other galaxies. There are hundreds of such unexplained mysteries and if one treads on philosophical path shown by own great stages in ancient six philosophical thoughts in Sankhya, Yoga, Mimansa, Nayaya and Vaisesika and Vedanta, we get inkling about all the myriad mysteries confounding us. Physics can help us to find the structures and compositions of non living things of nature, at macro and micro levels but is of not much use when we have to find out the source of life, its millions of types and their behaviors in response to myriad of situations, the evolution of smallest bacteria to the giant whales and elephants to the smart and intelligent humans. There are millions of species of life, trillions and trillions of individual entities in the known universe, some of which we have been able to investigate till today and without complete knowledge about all these factors, our quest to find the ultimate will always remain incomplete. We also need to know the force working for generation and cessation of life, the migration of life energy and the inheritance patterns, both of biological and psychological factors. Matter, which we have investigated till today cannot infuse life and consciousness in the creatures which we term as having life, as it does not have the potentiality to do so and no amount of external or internal energies, which the science has discovered till today, the weak or the strong nuclear forces or the electro-magnetic force, can succeed in putting life in even a single bacteria, what to talk of human beings. So, for coming to a better understanding of the whole idea of life and the reasons of formation of this Universe, or may be many more Universes, called Multiverses, we will have to shed our opposition to the existence of the God, the only force that controls everything, by whatever name you may address it and his both types of energies, the ‘Para’ and ‘Apara’, which will clear all our doubts forever.
(The author is a practicing Advocate of J&K High Court)