GoI silent on Israeli bombing: Soz

Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, July 16: Congress leader and MP Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz raised the question in the Rajya Sabha and protested against Government of India’s silence to the Israeli bombings on the unarmed Palestinians causing massacre to Palestinians.
He said its regrettable that Government of India watch this situation silently . He said that from Mahatma Gandhi until this day the People of India have had expressed their solidarity with the Palestinians for a dignified position as citizens of a sovereign State.
Prof. Soz said the people of India have always wanted a peaceful negotiated settlement of Palestinians. He elaborated and said that Late Yasir Arafat have been a good friend of India and thankful to India for its support . He said further that this has been a very good message to the International community.
Prof. Soz lamented the fact that the present Government in India was watching the situation as a silent spectator, while Israelis are massacring unarmed Palestinians and this Constitutes a breach of Policy adopted by India on the Palestinians question.