Good governance key to nation’s progress: Dr Shehnaz

MLC Dr Shehnaz Ganai addressing National Conference of Women Legislators at New Delhi on Tuesday.
MLC Dr Shehnaz Ganai addressing National Conference of Women Legislators at New Delhi on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Mar 8: On the occasion of the International Women’s day, Lok Sabha Speaker organised National Conference of Women’s Legislators in which the women legislatures and the parliamentarians from across the Country took part.
The main function was held in the central Hall of the Parliament, and Dr Shehnaz Ganai MLC, was the key speaker from the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
While Speaking on the occasion, she referred to the issue of empowerment of women, She said that nobody is going to empower the women, it is the women herself who has to take the lead. While referring to the Constitution she said that Constitution Guarantees the equal rights among its citizens, and stressed that key to women empowerment is education, as majority of the women due to lack of knowledge don’t know their rights. She stressed for need to establish Legislative Womens Caucus in the country comprising of women legislatures and parliamentarians with a collective mission of preparing next generation of women leaders and serving as premier voice and leading monitor issues.
She stressed that best way to empower women is to change the mind set in our homes so as to ensure that there is no discrimination with them on various issues. She said that we all have to work for social, political and economic development of women and congratulated the speaker Lok Sabha for organising such a conference for women legislatures.
While referring to the issue of “Good Governance” she said that Good governance is the key to a Nation’s progress. Government has to be committed to providing a transparent and accountable administration which works for the betterment and welfare of the common citizen. She said that preamble of the constitution starts with the word, “we the People of India….” This clearly shows that the fountain head of all the powers is the people of this Country.
“An important step for Good Governance is simplification of procedures and processes in the Government so as to make the entire system transparent and faster. ”Citizen-First” should be our mantra, our motto and our guiding principle. We legislators are the bridge between the citizens and the Government and thus the responsibility lies on our shoulders to bring government closer to our citizens, so that they become active participants in the governance process,” said Dr Shehnaz.
MLC Rani Blowria also attended the conference.