Sonakshi Sinha has paired up with Ranveer Singh for Vikramaditya Motwane’ speriod drama Lootera. Sreya Basu in conversation with the actress in MumbaiLooterais based in 1950s while so far you have done all contemporary roles. Was it difficult?
Yes. This is my most difficult film. It’s a beautiful character. Though I love doing those kind of films (based in today’s time) and they will remain my true love and what I enjoy doing the most, but this is something so fulfilling and I got so much to learn from this film that I would love to keep doing this kind of films too.
How was the experience of working with Ranveer Singh?
It was good working with him as it is with all my co-stars. He is a very, very good actor and I think the characters that were written for us in the film were aptly suited.
What was your reaction when you were told to play a 1950 character?
When VikramadityaMotwane told me that I have to do a 1950 character, I was very excited as I like those films that take you to a different era altogether. The immediate faces that came into my mind were those of Madhubalaji, SuchitraSen and WaheedaRehmanji(legendary actresses).
Given a chance to actually be a lootera (robber), what will you rob?
Box office (Laughs).
You have gained so much fame in just three years. It the thought of maintaining stardom scary?
I am not scared, my directors are since they don’t get my dates; but jokes apart, I consider myself very fortunate that I could do so many good films in so little time. I feel blessed and I will continue working as hard as I had been doing for the last three years.
But there must be some kind of pressure while signing a film?
There is no such pressure because if I start thinking on that line I might get a nervous breakdown. I do what my mind asks me to do. I just want to please myself as an artist and my audience.
I won’t ask you when you will get married but tell us what’s your idea of a dream wedding?
I want to be a simple bride and I want a beach wedding.
Did you always want to be an actress?
Before coming into films, I was studying fashion designing. I was not at all interested in acting or cinema. Since I had seen my father’s (actor ShatrughanSinha) stardom, there was no fascination or inclination towards glamour. But when I started my acting career (with Dabangg in 2010), I felt I should have chosen films long time back. I realized I am born to be an actor.
How much did ShatrughanSinha help you to enter Bollywood?
Look, neither I told him to make me an actress, nor did he tell me that I have to be an actress. I was offered my first film from people outside my family. They called me and said here is a film which we think will suit you. That was when I signed Dabangg.
You have already made it clear that you won’t expose or do kissing scenes.
I believe that if our film industry could survive without these things for so many years, I don’t need to do them just because others are doing. (TWF)