Governance worse than paralysis: Mufti

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, July 7: Expressing concern at the failure of the Government to carry forward the ambitious connectivity plan ushered in by previous coalition, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said all sectors of development had come to a standstill in the State.
“It is worse than a paralysis”, he told a public meeting in Shopian today that the governance in J&K suffers from. “The prestigious Mughal road too has been a victim of governance paralysis resulting in delay in its completion” he added.
Mufti said that it was scandalous that an amount of Rs 268 crore had reportedly been surrendered in previous years out of the funds allocated for this new artery of growth, development and social integration. “Even the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has pointed it out in a report and the Government of India reportedly withheld further funding for the State’s inability to spend”, he said. Instead of completing this highway on time and securing funds for construction of a tunnel to make it an all weather facility the Government has virtually subverted this project which has the potential of rewriting the destiny of areas connected by it and the people living there.
He said that connecting people of all regions was a crucial part of PDP vision for the state. Inclusion of Kishtwar-Synthon-Anantnag road, construction of the tunnel across Zojilla and extension of North South corridor up to Srinagar was part of the same vision that was unfolded after 2002 with a positive and generous response by Government of India. However, the inability to push these projects on priority has resulted in all of them running years behind schedule.
“The Prime Minister’s special package announced in 2004 for a period of five years is not implemented fully in spite of several extensions”, he added. Mufti said these road projects had remained trapped in the security jargon for decades resulting in severe impediments to growth and development of the State, but PDP was able to start them with Government of India help and multilateral funding from institutions like the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Muftis said while governance had almost collapsed the rulers were unable to come out of their arrogance and contempt for positive advice. Those, including the opposition are childishly targeted for raising issues of public importance, youth witch hunted and a war forced on Government employees. He said the same administration had produced entirely different results under him but the lack of political direction, loss of moral authority of the rulers and rampant corruption in high places had created a virtual anarchy in the State.
Speaking on the occasion, Muzaffar Hussain Baig said the Government had failed to give the same priority treatment to horticulture that the previous Government had ensured. The development of fruit markets had stopped and even the construction of a Controlled Atmosphere Store (CAS) at Shopian had been shelved.
He said the construction of Mughal road had opened huge opportunities for tourism in the area. The Government must take initiatives in this direction and as a first step extend the jurisdiction of Aharbal Development Authority and Rajouri Development Authority to harness the potential of areas along this route, he said. He said the Mughal Sara is along the route and the natural assets must be preserved and not allowed to fall victim to unplanned constructions, encroachments and uncontrolled commercialization. Senior party leader Taril Hamid Karra also spoke on the occasion.