There seems no adherence to the orders issued by the Government from time to CAPD time in the interest of public by the Government agencies.
The Govt had restricted doctors from private practice but the same continues till now. As a result people continue to face problem.
The Govt especially the PCB authorities issued orders a number of times to ban the use of polythene bags whether carry bags or of such content but their use goes on unabatedly.
The shopkeepers and users do not care about their hazardous results. Sometimes there are sudden checks and fines are imposed but this is not enough. The use is going on causing a great danger of pollution.
Strict orders were issued against smoking at open places, near schools, in offices in courts in public parks but again the orders are defied. It is only in rare cases that offenders are punished.
Again, there were strict orders against overloading, playing of tape recorders but the menace continues to be carried on which is quiet evident from the day to day fatal and heart rending accidents. The drivers hoodwink the police personnel because of being hand in glove with them with tacit understanding of monetary transactions. The hapless people pay the penalty.
The orders regarding black-marketing, quality control are openly evaded especially in CAPD. The businessmen and the concerned have their own say and the common people get duped.
PNDT is strictly prohibited but that too goes on unabatedly. So many such examples can be cited but let the authorities think thousand times to issue only those orders which get complied otherwise it is simply a mockery and to play with the expectations of the people. Unless and until the law enforcing agencies show their mite, the passing of laws will simply be a exercise in futile. Let the people also prove themselves law abiding and not against the laws which are passed for their welfare.
Yours etc…..
Dwarika Nath Raina H No. 131
Upper Muthi