Government School Sadoora

Unbelievable it may sound but it is a fact that despite elapsing of full nine years, the proposed building for Government High School Sadoora in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district is not “complete”. It is one more instance of how tall claims of the State Government that it accorded priority in providing basic but better infrastructure in Government run schools, stood deflated.
The school which has the “distinction” of having one teacher for every nine students is presently operating from a rented Auqaf Building at a nearby area considered not safe by many parents. One building was constructed in the year 2011 followed by another, under centrally sponsored scheme of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan which also is completed but both the buildings are not used for reasons not known. Buildings are ready for occupancy but paying rent and preferring dilapidated rented buildings question the wisdom of the authorities and such a faulty decision runs contrary to simple logic .
As if two buildings for a negligible roll of students were not “sufficient”, one more building for the school is constructed and awaits completion. School is not shifted to new buildings but continues to “run” from a rented building while the constructed buildings are used free by nomadic families who are reportedly living there along with their livestock. Who selects the sites for new buildings, who later disapproves after completion, who “damages” them, breaking doors and windows as alleged in the instant case, and after spending tax payers’ money , no end use is ensured rather the same gets squandered and why accountability is nowhere in sight is quite baffling. Could the concerned authorities in Education Department clarify?