Governor calls for vigorous efforts to promote science education

Governor N N Vohra and Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed honouring Prof CNR Rao at Srinagar on Wednesday.
Governor N N Vohra and Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed honouring Prof CNR Rao at Srinagar on Wednesday.

* University of Kashmir honours Prof C.N.R. Rao

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 1: At the Special Convocation held at the University of Kashmir today the University conferred the Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) upon Prof C.N.R. Rao, National Research Professor and Linus Pauling Research Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research.
Speaking on the occasion, Governor N. N. Vohra, Chancellor of the University observed that it was an honour for the University to honour Prof C.N.R. Rao for his most notable contribution to science, to Chemistry and particularly to Solid State Chemistry.
While complimenting Prof Rao for his many and varied attainments in the field of Science, the Governor lauded him particularly for having been the driving force behind the setting up of the Institutes of Science Education and Research and for giving the clarion call to urge the Government to support science, technology and innovation and to have repeatedly emphasised that the promotion of science did not involve merely an increase in the financial allocations but also the moral and intellectual support of the society as a whole.
While urging the Vice Chancellor and the faculty of the University to take all required steps to upgrade the standards of teaching and reinvigorate research endeavours in identified fields, the Governor emphasised that if the science, technology and innovation approach is seriously followed and meaningfully integrated in our economic and societal policies, many serious challenges facing the country could be resolved.  He stressed that the economic and social transformation of India shall depend to a very large extent on the creation and application of new knowledge and reiterated that it is only knowledge which can lay the foundations of an inclusive and wholesome society.
The Governor observed that the young students of Jammu and Kashmir are as good as anywhere else in the world and if provided proper support and guidance, they would earn the highest laurels for Jammu and Kashmir and the country.
Promising to turn a new leaf in promoting advanced research in institutes of higher learning, the Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed said that J&K has all the required ingredients to become an elite Knowledge Society.
The Chief Minister, congratulated Prof. Rao and thanked him for accepting the Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) from the University of Kashmir, in recognition of his contribution to the realm of science and research. He dwelt at length on the remarkable contribution made by Prof. Rao as a researcher and planner in the field of chemistry and higher education within the country and abroad.
Highlighting the role of Universities and other institutes of Higher Studies in developing ‘knowledge temper’ amongst aspiring students, Mufti Sayeed said he cherishes the dream of making J&K the knowledge capital of the country. “J&K should be a place where people from the rest of the country, and even outside, will feel privileged to come for acquiring knowledge,” he said and insisted on targeting primary education first for developing scientific temper amongst the growing young minds of children.
Describing human resource as the most invaluable asset available with him, Mufti Sayeed said the Education sector will be totally revamped to make it vibrant and research-oriented.
Requesting Prof. Rao to associate himself with researchers and teachers of J&K as an inspirational guide, the Chief Minister urged the teachers in the institutes of advanced learning to be part of the knowledge movement that his Government is about to launch.
Asking the country to emulate the role of Waqf property in promotion of higher education, the Chief Minister said the revenue generated by using the property has helped in creation of two excellent universities in the State. He said these universities have laid the foundation for community participation in the promotion of education.
Praising the role of universities of Kashmir and Jammu in promoting advanced research in science, Mufti Sayeed highlighted the urgent need to improve the standards and quality of higher education in the State.
“J&K has the potential to grow. As many as 51 young boys and girls qualified IAS, IFS and IPS and other central service exams over the last few years, which is an encouraging sign,” he added.
Minister for Education, Naeem Akhtar, Minister for Health & Medical Education, Ch. Lal Singh, Minister of State for H&ME, Asiya Naqash, Vice-Chancellor of University of Kashmir, Khurshid Iqbal Andrabi, besides senior Government Officers and VCs of various universities were present on the occasion.