Governor for intensive collaborations among Universities

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 13: N N Vohra, Governor, today called on all the Universities in Jammu and Kashmir to forge mutually beneficial collaborations in all arenas – teaching, research, libraries, extension projects, sports and other activities – to secure optimal utilization of infrastructure and resources and with the larger objective of achieving speedy economic development of the State.
The Governor was speaking at a function organized in connection with signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the University of Kashmir and the Sher-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K), at Raj Bhavan here today. These two Universities today entered into an MoU for collaboration to foster mutually beneficial activities in the arenas of academic, research, extension services and extra-curricular programmes.
The MoU was signed by Dr. Talat Ahmad and Dr. Tej Partap, Vice Chancellors of the Kashmir Universities and the SKUAST-K, respectively, in the presence of N. N. Vohra, Governor, who is Chancellor of these Universities.
The Governor suggested that, for the advancement of knowledge, learning and research the appointment of Visiting or Adjunct Professors could be considered by the various Universities in the State.
The Governor observed that the research projects taken up by the Universities, individually or jointly, should be on subjects and areas which are relevant for the development of the State, adding that the services of the faculties and research scholars could also be utilized for third party monitoring of developmental projects in the State.
Referring to the very high growth potential of the State in several areas, the Governor observed that this could be adequately exploited if the Universities could contribute by undertaking area-wise or sector-wise researches to identify the best possible options. He said that such an approach could give a rapid pace to the economic growth of the State and also generate large scale employment avenues.
Referring to the MoU, the Governor urged both the Vice Chancellors to ensure its successful implementation. He added that this MoU should serve as a model for other Universities and institutions of higher learning to reach deeper understandings for sharing of infrastructure and resources.
Earlier, Dr. Taj Partap, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, in his power point presentation, gave details of the salient features of the MoU.
Dr. Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University, said that the signing of MoU by both the Universities is a most welcome step.
The Vice Chancellors presented a copy of the MoU to the Governor on this occasion.
The two Universities have agreed upon to cooperate and support each other for implementing the MoU successfully. Both the Universities will provide free access to the faculty/scholars/students to their libraries, archives, research laboratories, high-end instruments and equipments and other facilities; share knowledge, information and publications/magazines/literature essential for the academic pursuit in related disciplines. They will allow utilization of services by the faculty/scholars/students for carrying out field surveys, investigations and experiments, wherever deemed necessary and, besides, discuss issues of common academic interest in joint meetings/workshops to be organized frequently at various Campuses of the two Universities. There will be a Steering Committee comprising of Registrars and concerned Deans, jointly chaired by the two Vice Chancellors, which would meet at least twice a year to monitor the implementation of the MoU.
Among those present on the occasion were Dr. A. R. Trag, Vice Chancellor, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipore, Shalin Kabra, Commissioner/Secretary, Agriculture, Gazzanfar Hussain, Secretary, Higher Education, Registrars and Deans of Academic Affairs, Research and Students Welfare of both the Universities, and other concerned senior officers.