Governor’s address clueless on vital issues: Tarigami

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 2: CPI (M) leader and MLA Kulgam, Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami termed Governor’s address clueless on vital issues as it has no mention of any plan to initiate a credible process of dialogue, banning the use of pellet guns and release of political prisoners and return of power projects to State from NHPC.
Submitting amendments, he said the address was clueless about vital issues. It was merely repetition of the alliance agenda and having no mention of any plan to initiate a credible process of dialogue with all stake holders including voices of dissent, mandate given to special representative appointed by Government of India, banning the use of pellet guns in the State, he said.
“There is also no mention of releasing the political prisoners from jails, considering the withdrawal of Disturbed Areas Act (DDA) and repealing of AFSPA, measures to be taken to face the severe electricity crisis during winters in Kashmir and other areas, establishment of workshops for repairing transformers at District headquarters including Kulgam,” he further said.
Tarigami pointed out that the Address has no mention of return of power projects to State from NHPC and tackling the ever-increasing and alarming unemployment problem in the State.
“The address also had no mention for regularizing of NHM employees including ASHAs, CPWs/MG-NREGA employees, Shakshar Bharat Mission (SBM) and enhancing the honorarium of Anganwadi Workers/Helpers and MDM workers, creation of three eco-battalions as mentioned in the Governors address of 2016 for preservation of ecology and environment in the state, constituting a social security board for poor artisans on the pattern of Building & Other Construction Welfare Board, providing compensation, four times in rural areas and double in urban areas, than the market value for the land to be acquired for government purpose,” Tarigami said.