Govt committed to decentralization of powers: DyCM

Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh inaugurating additional blocks of Middle School at Darmani on Saturday.
Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh inaugurating additional blocks of Middle School at Darmani on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 19: Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal Singh today said that the Government is committed to ensure  democratic decentralization of powers and in this connection the elections would be  soon held for urban local and other civic  bodies and exhorted upon the people to  participate in the same so that they involve themselves in day to day governance
The Deputy Chief Minister was addressing huge gatherings after inaugurating additional blocks of Middle schools at Dharmani, Amala, Katali Billawar in Kathua district. Senior officers from district administration, Mamta Singh and prominent persons of the area were present on the occasion
The Deputy Chief Minister asked the people to be prepared for the elections which are going to be held for the civic bodies,so that they can elect genuine representatives who can effectively catalyze the developmental initiatives of the Government besides highlighting the problems being faced by the people and readdressing them effectively.
Dr Singh said that ever since the present Government took over it has been an endeavor to ensure proper implementation of various flagship programs being undertaken for accelerating the development of the State and necessary instructions have already been passed to the concerned. He said that the National Food Security Act would go a long way in providing subsidized food grains to the people of the State and maintained that the verification time for registration under the Act has been extended so that more and more people can avail its benefit.
Terming the Prime Minister Package as a historic one, the Deputy chief Minister said that it would act as a catalyst to further accelerate the development of the State as it is comprehensive in nature as separate heads are provided for sectors like, PDD, R&B, etc. ”Necessary steps have already been initiated for ensuring its effective implementation so that the development of state is accelerated”, he added.
Referring to the various initiatives undertaken for augmentation of Education sector, Dr Singh said that the it forms the priority sector and necessary thrust has been initiated, so that the quality of education imparted to the students is improved and they come up to the national and international level.
The Deputy Chief Minister also attended public meetings at Dharmani, Galak and Parangoli in which people from different villages of the area and officers of administration were present. The people raised several demands related to the sectors of PHE, PDD, R&B, Health, Social Welfare etc.
The Deputy Chief Minister further said that Sub-Division Hospital Billawar would be upgraded by increasing its capacity and  ensuring that quality faculty of specialist doctors is provided besides the posts of vacant doctors would be filled so that they can be posted in the health institution of the areas.