* CS, Secys delegated powers of Minister
Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Nov 19: Government today constituted the Administrative Council for the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir with Lieutenant Governor Girish Chandra Murmu as its Chairman and his Advisors as the members.
The Chief Secretary shall function as Secretary to the Administrative Council, while the Administrative Secretaries of the Departments of Finance, Planning, Development & Monitoring, General Administration, Law or of any other department, may be invited to the meetings of the Council as may be required.
Click here to see detailed order
Apart from the Advisors, the Chief Secretary, Secretary GAD and other Administrative Secretaries shall exercise the powers of Ministers in various matters.
As per the amended entries of the Second Schedule of the J&K Government Business Rules, the cases which shall be brought before the Cabinet of new UT, will be matters involving legislation including the issue of Ordinances, proposals to summon or prorogue or dissolve the Legislature of the State, address to Governor/ Lt Governor to the Legislature, cases involving the question as to whether a Member of the House of the Legislature of the State/UT is subject to any disqualification, the annual financial statements to be laid before the Legislature and demands for supplementary, additional or excess grants; cases in which the attitude of Government to any resolution or a Bill to be moved in the Legislature is to be determined, the annual audit review of the Finance Report of the Public Accounts Committee, proposal involving any important change of policy/ or directives or embodying changes in the administrative system, proposals for appointments or for taking any action inconsistent with the recommendations of the Public Service Commission, cases in which a minister desires decision or direction of the Cabinet in a matter of importance on a subject assigned to his charge, cases in which a difference of opinion arises between two or more Ministers and a Cabinet decision is desired, any other cases which the Governor/ Lt Governor or the Chief Minister may be general or a special order require to be brought before the Cabinet, proposals which adversely affect the operation of the policy laid down by the Central Government, any proposal for the institution of prosecution by the Government against the advice tendered by the Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and except the cases of forest and sale of forest produce including minor forest produce, proposals involving alienation, either temporary or permanent, or sale of Government property, including land and temporary lease or immovable property, where such lease of Govt property is not in accordance with the rules or a general scheme already approved by the Cabinet and the value there of exceeds Rs 50,000 in each case.
While defining the financial powers of the Chief Secretary, the Govt order said cases relating to accord administrative approval to all kinds of works/ projects under plan/ non-plan costing over Rs 7.50 crore up to Rs 20 crore with concurrence of Planning and Finance Department shall come under Chief Secretary’s domain. Cases of exemption under GST/ Toll Tax, opening of treasuries/ sub treasuries with concurrence of Finance Department, new vehicles purchase cases, funds authorization in cases under Centrally Sponsored Schemes/ Central Mega Flagship Schemes/ TFC grants, Plan Schemes having financial implication up to Rs 50 crores in each case and the cases where administrative and financial powers have been delegated in various Codes/ manuals but competent authority have not specified, the same will be exercised by the Chief Secretary with prior concurrence of Finance Department.
Besides above, the sanctioning of deputation of officers up to the rank of Secretaries and above, relaxation in age, qualification for regularization of daily rated workers, medical attendance-cum-allowance, approvals for the formulation of recruitment rules, deployment of staff with Advisors, sanctioning leave of the officers up to the rank of secretaries and above, accord approval to the voluntary retirement and acceptance of resignation of the officers of grade I,II, HOD cadre and issuance of orders of posting of KAS probationers shall be under the domain of Chief Secretary.
The powers delegated to the Secretary, General Administration Department are to make transfer/ postings/ adjustments of Under Secretaries, Administrative Officers ( Gazetted) and Private Secretaries, and equivalent level officers having mature stay, to sanction pension covered under rules in respect of IAS officers, and other officials subordinate to GAD, to sanction all types of leaves in accordance with the provisions of the Leave Rules, sanction deputation of the officers up to the level of Spl Secys, powers to make compassionate appointments covered under SRO-43, approve payments of Standing Councils of the GAD, sanctioning of advance drawls up to Rs 25 lakh with the concurrence of Finance Department.
The financial powers with the Administrative Secretaries for according approval to a project shall be up to Rs 7.50 crores, Rs 25 lakh for sanctioning of advance drawls, sanctioning deputation outside the State/UT/ Leave/ Pension etc, authorize medical treatment outside to employees, accord sanction for withdrawal of GP Fund, issue orders of transfer and postings as per policy notified vide Govt order No. 861-GAD of 2010 dated 28-7-2010, constitution of survey/ auction committee and condemnation of vehicles and accord punishments to officials as per J&K Civil Services Rules, 1956.