Govt failed to take cognisance about real face of terrorism: PK

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 5: Panun Kashmir (PK) an organisaiton of displaced Pandits fighting for a separate homeland in accordance to Marg Darshan resolution of 1991 on North Eastern side of Kashmir Valley for rehabilitation of over seven lakh Kashmir Hindus scattered all over globe after their genocide in 1989-90 today strongly criticised the Government for not taking cognisance of the real face of terrorism and taking concrete steps in eroding its base.
In a hard hitting statement issued here, today, PK Chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo said that his organisation had several times cautioned the Government about the sinister game plan of Pakistan, its Inter Service Intelligence (ISI), terrorist outfits and their over ground support system but unfortunately like its predecessors the present Government at Delhi instead of taking the cognisance of the same also brushed it aside with the result the Poonch and Rajouri type attacks as well as killings of minorities in J&K have again taken place.
Chrungoo said that during the press conference on April 25 after the unfortunate attack on Army bus in Poonch in which five jawans attained martyrdom, the PK had urged the Government to take strong steps in combating the terrorism and give up its soft policy and not to issue misleading statements about so called normalcy. He said what kind of normalcy this can be when even the armed soldiers are attaining martyrdom. “When this is normalcy what is the abnormal situation then, he questioned”? .
He asks Government of India to recognise that its perceptions about fast unfolding normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir are not more than delusions driven by political expediency.
He said the UT Government and GoI should recognise the internal failures in J&K with regard to handling of security affairs.
He made it clear that there is an imperative necessity to publicly accept that terrorist activity in J&K is not only a result of Pakistan’s role but also due to subversive entrenchment of Jihadi forces inside. All trouble is not coming from outside. Lot of mischief is being nourished within also.
He said normalcy delusions have hoodwinked Governmental wisdom and sanity. It has created compulsions for the Government not to accept reality, remain anesthetized to subversive mechanitions inside and indulge in acts of self-disinformation.
The process of accountability has become a causality in this environment of pervasive falsehood, he added.
He asked are the jungles of Rajouri -Poonch area adjacent to Pakistan actually in our control?
How could terrorists inflict heavy casualties on our security forces since October 2021 in this area again and again?
Is GoI aware about the intense radicalisation inside in Rajouri Poonch? What is GoI’s assessment of security implications of opening of Mughal Road and creating a legislative corridor between parts of South Kashmir and this area, he asked?