Excelsior Correspondent

BUDGAM, June 10: Department of Rural Development has expended Rs 21.46 crore in district Budgam during last financial year under MGNREGA to provide job to unemployed youth and to create numerous assets of public welfare, this was stated by Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Law and Justice Abdul Haq today while reviewing the functioning of the department in the district.
He said the district had an approved budget of Rs 21.58 crore out of which Rs 21.46 crore were spent in the implementation of various schemes out of which 63 percent amount was spent on the wages of the job card holders who worked under the scheme.
Abdul Haq said about 3725 works were taken up for execution during the year including spill over works out of which 3103 works were completed by the end of the year. He said simultaneously durable assets have been created under the scheme while providing employment to the people under MGNREGA.
Giving details Minister said the department constructed 1696 roads and lanes at the cost of Rs 24.76 crore , 10 play fields costing Rs 52 lakh and 449 flood protection work at different places at the cost of Rs 5.80 crore.
The Rural Development Minister said under 14th Finance Commission , department has taken up new works on 46 roads, 38 culverts, 320 lanes, 56 bathrooms, 181 parks and 26 irrigation canals.
The Minister further informed that under Indira Awas Yojna (IAY) 696 houses were taken up for construction out of which 477 houses have been completed and Rs one crore have been spent so far out of the available budget of Rs 1.07 crore. The department has also an available budget of Rs 3.31 crore in the district under Prime Minister’s Awas Yojna (PMAY).
Abdul Haq said besides MGNREGA, department has also taken up flood protection works under 13th FC and work has been completed at 30 flood prone spots in the district and Rs 1.12 crore have been spend for the same.
Earlier Minister reviewed the progress of works at Panchayat level and interacted with field staff including BDOs, VLW, Programme Officers, VLWs and GRSs of the concerned Panchayats.