Panel to clear names for SAC nod
Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, June 22: The State Government is likely to promote at least five senior Indian Police Services (IPS) officers including one of them to the rank of Director General of Police (DGP) and four as Additional DGPs. Of them, three officers would get proforma promotion as they are presently on deputation with the Central Government.
The Government had recently set up a high level Committee headed by Chief Secretary BVR Subrahmanyam for promotion of senior IPS officers in the rank of DGP and ADGPs. The Committee members were Commissioner/Secretary Health and Medical Education Department, Atal Dulloo, Commissioner/Secretary, Home, Shaleen Kabra and Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh.
Official sources told the Excelsior that Lalat Indu Mohanti, an IPS officer of 1989 batch of Jammu and Kashmir cadre, who is presently posted as IG BSF (Operations) New Delhi, is being given promotion as Director General of Police (DGP) on proforma basis.
A post of DGP had fallen vacant last month with the retirement of Duty Rani Dolley, who was in the rank of Director General of Police.
Mohanti had become eligible for promotion as Director General of Police on January 1 this year.
Four Inspector Generals of Police (IGPs), who were being considered for promotion as Additional DGPs included SD Singh Jamwal, presently posted as Inspector General of Police (CIV), Satish Khandare, who has recently returned to Jammu and Kashmir from Central deputation, Rajesh Kumar, IGP Operations CRPF Kashmir and Tsewang Namgayal, on deputation with elite Special Protection Group (SPG).
Rajesh Kumar is also on deputation with CRPF. In view of this, the Government would require only two posts of Additional DGPs for SD Singh and Khandare.
Additional DGP Muneer Khan, Incharge Security and Law & Order is due for retirement on June 30.
Presently, there are five IPS officers of Jammu and Kashmir cadre in the rank of Director General of Police but only three of them are posted in the State and two others are on deputation with the Centre.
The IPS officers in the rank of DGP included SP Vaid, Transport Commissioner, VK Singh, DGP Prisons and Dilbag Singh, DGP. Two other officers, who have the DGP rank, are on Central deputation including Navin Aggarwal, who is posted as Director General National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), Youth Services and Sports in the rank of Joint Secretary in New Delhi and SM Sahai, who is posted in National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS), New Delhi.
There are a total of 11 IPS officers of the Jammu and Kashmir cadre in the rank of Additional Director Generals of Police. Among them, seven were posted in the State while four others were on Central deputation.
Seven officers posted in the State as Additional DGPs are Dr B Srinivas, CID, Arun Choudhary, Coordination Police Headquarters, Deepak Kumar, Railways, SJM Gillani, Armed, Abdul Gani Mir, Police Headquarters, Mohammad Suleman Salaria, Director Sher-i-Kashmir Police Academy (SKPA) and Muneer Khan, Security and Law and Order.
Four Additional DGPs, who are on deputation with the Centre, included Lalat Indu Mohanty, IGP BSF Operations, New Delhi, Rashmi Ranjan Swain on deputation with RAW, Hemant Kumar Lohia, who is on deputation with BSF and Pankaj Saxena, posted as Joint Secretary in the Cabinet Secretariat.
Sources said the promotions will be first cleared by the high-power Committee and then required approval of the State Administrative Council (SAC).
“It all depends upon the Government Committee followed by the SAC as to how many officers they clear for the promotions. The Committee had to take into account number of clear vacancies before promoting the officers,” sources pointed out.
However, they said, no vacancy is required for giving proforma promotion to the officers, who are on Central deputation.