Govt must evolve policy to fight terrorism: JKUF

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 26: Jammu Kashmir Unity Foundation has called for a comprehensive response to Pakistan sponsored `Jihadi terrorism’ which has been going on unabated for decades.
The panelists at a seminar “26/11- Lessons For Future” organized by JK Unity Foundation at Press Club Jammu today remembered the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack as a war like act which exposed the entire dimension of the Pak sponsored low intensity aggression against India. All the panelists opined that if the entire gamut of issues brought to the fore by the Mumbai attack would have been addressed in totality by now India would have decisively defeated the terror war unleashed by Pakistan.
The panelists were unanimous in expressing that after the neutralization of 370 and reorganization of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir State into two UTs, a pedestal has been created to defeat the Pak designs and a hope has been generated that now Jihadi terrorism would be dealt in a comprehensive manner.
Speaking of the occasion, Maj Gen G S Jamwal (Retd) said that we have not fought terrorism as a Nation. Experiencing enslavement at the hands of imperialist powers India stood fragmented at the dawn of Independence. The Nation has to evolve into a unified entity to defeat challenges to the national integrity and sovereignty. He said Pakistan sponsored terrorism could not have been possible if the subversion unleashed by Pakistan inside India would have been dealt with decisively.
Ajaat Jamwal, president of the Foundation said that the programme was organized here to link up and identify with the victims of terrorism in the whole Nation and globally. He said that a terror act in Bengal, Mumbai, Karnataka, Kerala and Jammu and Kashmir are part of a unified aggressive war against the Nation and people of India have to fight them unitedly. There is a necessity to have a sensitivity against all terror acts all over the country and globally.
Ankur Sharma, Chairman IkkJutt Jammu said 26/11 Mumbai attack was more than terrorism. It was an act of Jihad, the global menace threatening the world peace. There is an imperative necessity to respond to the Jihadi war in its entirety. This war is a fascist war driven by a regressive religious perspective. It aims to destroy co-existence and impose a totalitarian religious order.
Dr Ajay Chrungoo, chairman Panun Kashmir, Javaid Rahi, Secretary Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation, Prof Shujaat Khan and Dr Gopal Parthasarthi also spoke on the occasion.