Govt places BC Road Flyover project in cold storage

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Dec 8: While the Government has spent over Rs 97 crore on the rehabilitation of  285 traders and other people disturbed besides acquiring their land/ properties while constructing Jehangir Chowk-Rambagh Flyover in Srinagar, the work on the much publicized BC Road- Rehari Chungi Flyover project in Jammu has been put into the cold storage merely on the plea that huge funding is required for the rehabilitation and land acquisition from Balwinder Chowk to Shakuntla Crossing in the winter capital.
Conceived during 2007-08, this Flyover project has been placed on the back burner for over five long years due to the reason best known to the former Minister for Housing and Urban Development and a few Jammu based politicians for their vested interests. ERA, which is connected with the construction of the Flyover project has asked to acquire at least 30 meters wide (2 lanes) stretch of land for the construction of Flyover. It means 15 mt land is required on both sides of the existing four lane road from Shakuntla Chowk to Balwinder Chowk up to Mian Dido crossing near Amphalla.
It has been revealed that in the process of road widening, several buildings/ structures on both sides of  road near Rehari Chungi are needed to be dismantled. Some insiders in the agency have indicated that due to some political pressure the work on the project has been  stalled.  They said  Asian Development Bank (ADB) was ready for funding of the project. They even had asked the Government to prepare  comprehensive rehabilitation plan but the agency has yet to work on the rehabilitation project.
The work on prestigious Bikram Chowk-Gandhi Nagar Flyover has commenced in big way, the work on this important Flyover project has been found to be in limbo as the road widening has turned out to be the major hurdle. The project which was conceived and prepared during 2007-08 with the initial estimated cost of Rs 18.4 crore, has been placed in the cold storage by the  authorities on the mere plea that project cannot be taken up until and unless road widening is conducted from Shakuntla Chowk up to Rehari Chungi (Balwinder Chowk).
It may be recalled that the then Chief Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad, had shown keen interest to construct these two Flyover projects in Jammu city and an alternative road to High Court at Janipur from Manda, to ease traffic problem in New Plots-Janipur but after he moved to the Centre, the work on these projects was put on back burner despite the fact that traffic congestion went on increasing in the winter capital city. BC Road Flyover project was the first priority but due to sabotage by some ‘political people’ and other vested interests, this project could not take off.
Director ERA Vinod Sharma when contacted revealed  that it was decided during 2007-08 to construct BC Road Flyover in view of increasing problem of traffic congestion. He said initially, this project was hardly worth Rs 18 crore and it was proposed to cover only Shakuntla Chowk. A national level agency RITES, engaged by Government suggested that this Flyover had no meaning if it will cover only one crossing. They suggested to cover Shakuntla Chowk, Balwinder Chowk and Ambphalla crossing, connecting  Jail Road and New Plots- Janipur Road. ERA was asked to prepare project but it was stressed to go for road widening on both-sides right from Shakuntla Chowk to Rehari Chungi and Ambphalla in first phase.When asked about the present status, he said land acquisition process is yet to take place. He said another Director, Alok Mengi was connected with the project and he will be able to give more details.
ERA Director, Alok Mengi when contacted said that at present there is no progress on the project. He said four lane road is presently available at Rehari Chungi and for the purpose at least eight lane road space is required. He said at least 30-35 mt road widening is required and for this,  several structures buildings are needed to be razed on both sides. The compensation involves huge amount  and a complete rehabilitation package is required for it. But at present there was no progress as the rehabilitation package is yet to be prepared.
He said compensation part State Government has to bear while ADB will do funding for the project construction part as per its policy. When asked how Government could spent Rs 97 crore on rehabilitation of over 285 traders and others disturbed during construction of Jehangir Chowk Flyover in Kashmir, ERA Director said for that purpose a rehabilitation project was formed and Government can go for any project when it intends to get through the same. He said when green nod comes from the top after package is cleared the work would start.
The concerned Revenue authorities have already been conveyed about the requirement of the land on both sides of the BC Road and Balwinder Chowk, he added.
He further disclosed that work on Bikram Chowk-Gandhi Nagar Flyover project has been taken up and it will be completed with the estimated cost of Rs 95 crores. There was no plan at present regarding Jewel Chowk-Canal Road project as it needs massive demolition on both the sides. It would be better to have alternative roads rather than disturbing old heritage buildings, Mr Mengi added.
The ERA Director said that on the guidance of  RITES some fresh projects are being prepared to ease problem of traffic congestion. When this job (of rehab project) is over, the work will commence on the project but as of now, there is no certainty over this project though it is important to ease out city’s traffic. There will be free flow of traffic from City East to West through BC Road (NH) at all three major junctions, if this Flyover is completed.
The alternative road up to High Court complex at Janipur from Manda (National Highway) was also conceived to ease traffic congestion on New Plots Janipur road about five years back but this project has also been placed in cold storage while the traffic congestion problem has aggravated manifold on this link in past few years and especially during Darbar move.