Govt responsible for Air Pollution

This refers to “Govt responsible for air pollution” by Bharat Jhunjunwala (DE 7.12.2018). I fully agree that Govt is itself responsible for creating air , water and soil pollution. It is the Government which gives haphazard permissions for setting up of cement factories across country. In Kashmir valley from last 15 years dozens of new cement plants have been set up in mountains and forests causing air pollution.
Liquid waste from so called Sewerage Treatment Plants (STPs) goes into Dal Lake and many sewers empty into Jehlum and Doodh Ganga nallah. Solid and Liquid waste is being dumped in water bodies by people and municipal authorities .
Now a new trend has emerged, the municipal authorities are burning solid waste near garbage dump sites which emits poisonous gases.
A video has gone viral on social media wherein employees of Municipal Council Udhampur were seen burning Municipal Solid Waste in a Forest area. Infact some newspapers also carried this news few days back . This is a very criminal act and I won’t blame only Municipal Council Udhampur but most of the municipal bodies are also involved in this illegal legal act which causes serious air pollution. Similarly during last 5 to 8 years more than 100 illegal brick kilns were given permission in Budgam and Anantnag districts by local Deputy Commissioners. Pollution Control Board (PCB) on the other hand is a mute spectator to all this . Unless PCB , Municipal bodies and citizens come together we cant address this menace.
Sajad Hussain Mir
Alamgari Bazar Srinagar