Govt school building unsafe, poses threat to students’ lives

Students study in unsafe Govt school in Kalaban area of Mendhar. -Excelsior/ Rahi Kapoor
Students study in unsafe Govt school in Kalaban area of Mendhar. -Excelsior/ Rahi Kapoor

Excelsior Correspondent

MENDHAR, Aug 1: A Govt school building is lying in shambles in Mendhar sub division of district Poonch while authorities have turned a Nelson’s eye towards the plight of the students.
Established in several years ago as Govt Primary School, Nabna at village Kalaban in native village of local Ex- MLA Javed Ahmed Rana, the students and teachers of this Government School are not safe in this `unsafe’ building.
Locals of the area after visiting this school said that lakhs of rupees are being released by the Government for the repair and maintenance of buildings of schools but after seeing these dilapidated and unsafe buildings it appears that not a single penny has been spent on these buildings during last many years. They claimed that these buildings are unable to withstand heavy rainy season this time.
They disclosed that Primary School Kalaban has a strength of 22 students in all the classes but there are only three teachers posted in the school.
Parents of children said that school building is comprised of three rooms only and all are in dilapidated condition with rain water seeping from roof during rains. A student of class 3rd of this school said that their study gets affected when the school is closed after rains. The windows of the rooms are broken and water comes down from the roof top in case of rain. He said the children get afraid while sitting inside when there is rain or thunder storm.
The locals have urged the senior officers of the Education Department to visit the school immediately and arrange to carry out proper repair and maintenance of this building.
SDM Mendhar, Sahil Jandyal when contacted claimed that the matter was in his notice and ZEO was asked to take necessary measures in this regard.