Govt should galvanize to fight Jehadi war in J&K: PK

PK leaders addressing press conference on Monday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PK leaders addressing press conference on Monday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 12: Panun Kashmir (PK) today made it clear that Government should not treat the subversive activities in Kashmir mere terrorist sponsored movement but the Jehadi war to form the Islamic Caliphate in Jammu and Kashmir State.
Talking to reporters at a joint press conference here, today PK convener, Dr Agnishekhar its chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo, president Kashmir Samiti Delhi (KSD), Vijay Raina urged the Union Government to galvanize and respond to Jehad in a befitting way and defeat it completely.
“We want to state it unambiguously that Indian Nation is face to face with Jihad in J&K ., It is a total war for establishing an Islamic Caliphate and any dithering in recognizing it  will be like a suicide”, they added.
The PK and KSD leaders said that treating the Jehadi movement merely as terrorism is self deception and Indian State has not only to stand up to a relentless war by terror but also a paramilitary war being waged by an Islamized social milieu in the State. The public disruption of encounters with terrorists included stone pelting constitute part of this Jehadi war where civil society is used as a sanctuary as well as a civilian shield, they added.
Warning the Government of the inimical dangers, Dr Agnishekhar said it (Govt) can no longer afford to ignore the activities like peace conclaves or the statements of so called mainstream Muslim leaders of the State brazenly supporting the secessionist movement in J&K. “It is high time for GoI to recognize these conclaves and political expressions as essentially subversive in nature aiming to meet objective of Jehad half way”, he added.
The PK leader said that persons like Kapil Kak do not represent in any way the Hindus of Kashmir.
“We condemn statements of the so called peaceniks who for long time have been fiddling in the affairs of J&K only to demoralize the security forces facing a war like situation in the State, said Dr Ajay Chrungoo, adding PK and KSD also strongly condemn derogatory remarks being made against the Army Chief.
The PK leaders said GOI should realize that statements like finding a `permanent solution’ for J&K creates apprehensions and doubts.
The PK leaders while welcoming the NIA raids for destroying the financial support to Jihadi war said that LOC trade was fraught with dangers of becoming a subversive mechanism to feed and fuel the terror machine inside has now been vindicated.
We also want to state that the murder of the cop Sameer Bhat in Kashmir while on duty by his own colleague is the testimony to the fact genocidal war against Hindus of Kashmir is going on unabated. A full fledged enquiry by none other than the CBI can unearth the design behind the murder, they added.
Warning GoI, KSD chief Vijay Raina said that any compromise with the Jihadi forces on the name of political process will pave way for another partition.
While opposing any compromise with Jehadi forces they said over seven lakh KPs stand for creation of separate homeland on North Eastern bank of river Jehlum (Vitasta).
PK KSD leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Monday.