Govt should take strong action against Jamaat moles in admn: PK

PK leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
PK leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 22: Panun Kashmir (PK) an organisation of Kashmir Pandits advocating for separate homeland for the community in Kashmir Valley today demanded that the UT Government should take public into confidence about the internal subversion of the administrative apparatus.

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“UT Government should take a top bottom approach in taking action against Jamaat moles in administration and persons indulging in subversion at the top should be acted upon first of all and foremost”, PK chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo told reporters here.
Flanked by PK senior activists, Bihari Lal Koul and M K Dhar, Dr Chrungoo said “We once again asks GoI to recognise genocide inflicted on Hindus of Kashmir and accord prime importance to creation of UT of Homeland for rehabilitation of internally displaced Hindus of Kashmir”.
Taking notice of the grass root reports of increased activity of the banned organisation Jamaat-i- Islami in Kashmir, he warned GoI about the grave dangers of any clandestine deal with the banned outfit.
He said there are reports that the activists of the banned outfit have very subtly started collection of funds in the name of Ushr and Zakat giving an impression that the hostility with the establishment is gradually being neutralised.
Since GoI and ruling parties at the helms in the past have repeatedly explored and established tactical or strategic relations with Jamaat that eventually led to deepening of internal subversion in the erstwhile State, so PK cautions the Government both at UT and at Centre about serious dangers of any such move.
Dr Chrungoo said the nation has already witnessed the catastrophic implications of the ruling Congress coming to the rescue of Jamaat after the death sentence to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan that led to public outrage against Jamaat-I-Islami in Kashmir.
GoI again insulated Jamaat from State action during the Governor’s rule in 1989-90 in spite of the contrary advice of the top echelons of the State police, he added.
The influence of Jamaat in the administrative spheres in J&K is still very huge. Even an inkling that GoI is once again cosying up to Jamaat will be immensely damaging and destabilising, Dr Chrungoo said.
Dr Chrungoo while welcoming the recent dismissal orders of three employees indulging in anti national activities, said GoI should act against Jamaat sympathisers in top academic spheres, administration, bureaucracy and police.