Govt’s double standards on security policy exposed: Dr Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 12: The National Conference-Congress Coalition Government’s double standards on security policy stand clearly exposed when on the one hand it claims improvement in security scenario and demands withdrawal of AFSPA while on the other hand it owes Rs 600 crore to Union Home Ministry in lieu of security deployment charges which it wants to be reimbursed with the plea that several districts of the State still continue to be militancy infested.
This was stated here today by Dr Jitendra Singh, Chief Spokesperson of State & National Executive Member of the Party while referring to reports that the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) involving cost of deployment on account of Rapid Action Force (RAF), Central Reserve Police (CRPF) and Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has touched Rs 600 crore which the State is unable to pay to the Centre but at the same time wants to continue with the existing arrangement of security deployment by Central forces.
Dr Jitendra Singh said this is a clear case of “having the cake and eating it too” and vindicates the BJP stand that the N C-led Government is making full utility of Central forces to keep a check on terrorism and stay in power while at the same time blackmailing the Union Government by publicly making demands like revocation of AFSPA.
Dr Jitendra Singh disclosed that as a part of Rs 280 crore projects relating to upgradation of police training centres, the State Government has demanded additional Rs 50 crore as second installment for the year 2012-13. Meanwhile, the Omar Government is also pursuing the case for exemption of deployment charges as was the case till 2009, he added.
This clearly indicates, that the NC led Government is bluffing the people of Kashmir and trying to appease the separatist constituency by publicly denouncing the Indian Army while in reality it is largely dependent on services rendered by Central armed forces whose deployment it is receiving free of cost because of a dubious political nexus emanating from 10 Janpath, Dr Singh added.
Dr Jitendra Singh asked what can be greater contradiction than the fact that on the one hand the Chief Minister publicly demands withdrawal of AFSPA and on the other hand in his capacity as state Home Minister he pleads before the centre that several districts of State are still militancy infested.