Grateful for my movie career: Katherine Heigl

LONDON, July 15:  ’27 Dresses’ star Katherine Heigl feels ‘grateful’ for her acting career.
The 35-year-old actress, who is making her TV comeback in new show ‘State of Affairs’ later this year, had earlier said that the string of romantic comedy roles she did in the past had left her unsatisfied as an actor.
But speaking at a TV Crtics Association event, Heigl said she loved watching her old films.
“I was just kind of making choices that were certainly unbelievably fun. I had a really good time and I still love those movies. I’ll still watch them.
“I know that sounds vain, but every once in a while they’ll come on TV and I’m just grateful that I was there, that I got to be a part of it,” she said. (PTI)