Grocare- Growth towards health and fitness

20 years of sincere service, care for our people and promising treatment is a step for ensuring a healthy race. And Grocare is the ayurvedic hub for good health and a long life. Grocare emphasizes on complete patient care, disease-free population by delivering ayurvedic mode of treatment with minimal or no side effects. Thus ensuring the non-surgical cure of common maladies and subclinical infections to cease the severity. If the treatment begins at an early and less painful stage, Grocare promises complete eradication of a diseased state.

Hiatal hernia kit

The kit comprises of Hernica(maintain pH), Acidim and Xembran(bacteriostatic) which act simultaneously to alleviate the symptoms of Hernia such as inflammation and acid reflux, thereby improving the state and functions of the digestive system. This natural way of cure works by reducing bloating, acidity and esophageal reflux. In addition, it wipes off pathogenic bacteria like H. pylori while preserving healthy microflora. The price of this herbal supplement is 174.58 Euros for 40 days.

Gastritis kit

Comprise of a powerful preparation Acidim and Xembran for permanent management of gastritis. It performs its action by regulating body pH and bile. It destroys gut pathogens but restores the beneficial bacterial species thereby prevents mucosal inflammation or chronic infections. The cost of the product is 111.89 Euros for 40 days.

Hernia kit

A kit available for only 134.32 Euros provides non-surgical management of Hernia by palliating clinical issues such as the inflamed gut and hernia pain. It helps to retain the normal intestinal positions, bowel movements, and intestinal wall pressure.

Varicocele kit

This kit(147.68 Euros) is formulated of Activiz, acidim, and order to reduce the scrotal venal inflammation, increase blood supply, restore the strength of venal valves and recover the normal sperm count. Thus, the Grocare varicocele kit primarily focuses on the root cause of the ailments to avoid the progression of the disease and its recurrence.


Another useful product by Grocare, Xembran tablet(600mg) is composed of potent bioactive materials such as Myristica fragrans and Pure shankha bhasma that aims to establish normal gastrointestinal system by dominating the presence of useful gut flora.


It is a herbal supplement packed with Cyperus rotundus and Embellia ribes in 850 mg tablet, available at 35.82 Eur. Acidim targets at pH correction and detoxification of the body. It eliminates the harmful free radicals from the cells and scavenges the body toxins.


Marketed in tablet form(850 mg) at 40.26 Eur, Oronerv maintains functional harmony in the neurovascular system. A mixture of true bio herbs namely Commiphora Mukul and Pluchea lanceolata that not only subside the symptoms but also deroot the actual cause of medical problems.

Don’t waste time in enduring any type of pain, but get rescued with the help of Grocare products. Get rid of the pathogenic bacteria as soon as possible without destroying the useful species from the gut.