Growing heaviness of School Bags

Neelam Choudhary
Have we, the parents of school going kids, particularly at elementary level ever  imagined what  we are doing to ease their burden?  While packing their bags, or helping them do so, have we ever questioned  why ,after so many  educational reforms, and the recommendations of so many committees, still our children are carrying backpacks weighing much beyond the permissible limits? Most of the so called ‘International’ schools claim to be maintaining international standards, without  reducing the burden of school bags. Browsing the literature shows that CBSE and some other boards  have strict guidelines regarding  how much a school bag should weigh, apart from  giving some related instructions. But surprisingly and shockingly,  neither the parents nor the school authorities seem to be interested in implementing these guidelines. As a result, back  pain, muscle pain, neck and shoulder pain as well as in  severe cases, some more serious health issues  among   these children  often  remain unnoticed by us. These is sufficient empirical evidence from across India as well as different parts of the world that there  is high degree of correlation between carrying of heavy school bags by children and  occurrence of these problems.Most of the health professionals agree and recommend  10% of the body weight  as the appropriate  weight of school bag.  But who follows it? It is indisputable  that  the children of today ; the future doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers etc. need  to be much more competitive than the people of their preceding generations. But  do they need to  pay in terms of their health? Things like an e-classroom for teaching every topic,  uploading every assignment  to be done online  at home  or providing of electronic portable gadgets  instead of school bags are a distant reality in near future, despite the fact that some developed nations and some metro cities of India have already adopted it or working on it.
But  there are unlimited possibilities, which when explored properly, with expert opinions, as well as with inputs from the main stakeholders i.e. children, parents and teachers, can do wonders. Such health issues have been found to be more in urban areas, as sports equipments or other kits need  to be carried. It is high time all of us worked on this. We need not feel pride in that  a heavy bag means a way to acquiring more knowledge. Nor should we compare it to our school days. Time has changed now, with the latest wave of ICT.   The school authorities can be requested to  follow the guidelines and implement them properly, as well as send circulars to parents in this regard, so that they too can do their bit. Jointly we can give our children a joyful experience  of school without  suffering pains every day.The schools  should provide locker facilities, wherever  possible.  They are our kids. Let’s de-stress them. They shall shape the future of India. Let’s  give them a better future. Why should the responsibility for battling against social ills lie with NGOs or rights activists?  All of us can  do it peacefully.
(The author is Assistant Professor, Jammu University)