Growing intolerance

We dream of a shining India. But it will remain mere a fantasy. In a study conducted by international journal Science in 2011,India is having one of the highest intolerance indices,breaking ranks with the developed countries. It has garnered a third place out of 33 countries, globally, among restrictive societies, after Pakistan and Malaysia. Clearly indicative of this ranking, are the newspapers of India,replete of reports of different categories of bans, curfew being imposed and the impatient in hysteria get infuriated to torching of vehicles, stone-pelting and the list is having no climax.
We live in families, groups and societies,on a bigger calibration of the canvas,we live in a country like India,full of diversities,a difference of opinion is inevitable. God has gifted us with a brain pumping up opinions and thoughts,of our own kind.But what we need to learn, is to proliferate the bandwidth of our respective brain,to be able to respect and value the ideas of others.Governance and society have to act in tandem,and not to be pitted against each other,to be able to build up the country that we aspire.If we all initiate living in harmony the country will automatically get armoured with peace and development.In that case Government,need no to explicitly take exasperated actions to safeguard the nation against communalism.When we start respective all the ethics,cultures,view-points prevalent in the world juggling with differences,it will become a place worth living start living in communal harmony and peaceful co-existence.
Yours etc….
Divya Sharma