GSAT-16 success

Our country is making steady progress in exploring the space and          brightening the scope of human knowledge about the space. The ISRO has won good name with national as well as foreign agencies that are monitoring India’s steady contribution to the exploration of the mystery of space. India successfully launched 3138 kg GSAT-16 on board Arianespace rocket from the space port of Kourou in French Guiana in the early hours of Dec 7, after a delay of two days due to bad weather. The satellite is designed to provide direct-to-home television broadcasts.
In essence, the GSAT-16 is purported to augment India’s communication system so as to reach a wider world without depending support from other countries. Placing the satellite finally in its designated slot at 55 degrees East longitude in the Geostationary orbit and co-located with GSAT-8, IRNSS-1A and IRNSS-1B satellites is the final goal. Our scientists at ISRO deserve three cheers from thankful nation. We are expecting many great things from ISRO which should come in due course of time. Our space science is fairly advancing, and our Government and scientists are willing to provide the expertise and benefits of their experiences to the neighbouring countries with which India has been enjoying traditional good relations. This was also hinted at by the Prime Minister during his recent address to the SAARC at Kathmandu.