GST to promote ‘Inspector Raj’ in J&K: JCMS

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 19: The Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha (JCMS) while opposing the hasty introduction of   Good & Services Tax (GST) alleged that it will again promote `Inspector Raj’ in the State.
An emergency  meeting   of the office bearers of the Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha was held here the other day under the leadership of  its president, Romesh Chander Gupta, in which members discussed issues relating to implementation of GST in the State. The meeting was also attended by senior members like Lala Amar Nath Gupta, Nathu Ram Gupta, Om Parkash Gupta, Dr Mohan Lal Gupta, Ram Langar, Sanjay Gupta, Yash Paul Gupta, Ravi Rohmetra, Prabhu Dayal and others.
The speakers expressed their concern the way so hurriedly GST Bill is going to be imposed on the people / traders of the State. Certain  resolutions were also adopted and passed during the meeting. It was pointed out that people have not yet come out of the shock of  `Note Bandi’  and may face the consequences  and annoyance of  the business community as it is again going to take suicidal step if the Govt steps to impose GST so hurriedly. It will further let down the GDP of  the country.
It was resolved that the sprit behind GST must have been to make business community, producer, wholesaler, retailer  and consumer easy  and more transparent in depositing taxes  happily and willingly rather than feeling it as burden. It is because of the fact that provisions of the GST are so confusing  that none of the stake holders are satisfied  and it will again encourage the  ‘Inspector Raj.’ Only those people will be beneficiaries with it. It will effect the production and distribution system in the country.   It will make businessmen bankrupt  and ultimately they may run away from the business.   The officials concerned are also confused over the GST regime. The traders have to submit about 37 times returns in a year which will only cause worries for the traders. It was resolved and further suggested that Government must give some time to the traders / stakeholders  to introduce GST in the State. The Government must have some more exercise before going for its final implementation in the State.