Gudoora Bridge a priority

September floods washed away Gudoora bridge on Ramushi rivulet in district Pulwama of South Kashmir. With the loss of the bridge, the vehicular movement on the hassle free Pulwama Nowgam, road had to be suspended. This is a very important alternate link between South Kashmir and Srinagar and especially for the people of Shopian and Pulwama. The stretch of National Highway from Pulwama to Srinagar is always crowded and prone to long traffic jams making it very difficult for the commuters. After the floods the army did make a temporary bridge to cater to its needs but even that may get submerged when waters in the rivulet rise in the rainy month of March and April.
Residents of the village of Gudoora and adjoining areas have been demanding the Roads and Buildings Department to build the washed away bridge before the rainy season sets in so that people in the district of Pulwama are spared the traffic hassles. We understand that the R&B authorities do concede that this is a task that should be completed on priority basis but there appears no movement whatsoever that would convince the people that the Government is serious in mitigating their suffering. We exhort the PWD to understand the difficulty of the people of Pulwama and others and take up immediate steps to begin the construction of the bridge.