Gulmarg lacks basic amenities despite several developmental works

Mir Iqbal
Gulmarg constituency in North Kashmir’s district Baramulla has witnessed some development since 2009, but the inhabitants are still struggling for basic amenities like pure drinking water, irrigation, health care, education and electricity.
The constituency is represented by JKDPN MLA, Ghulam Hassan Mir who defeated National Conference candidate, Sheikh Mustafa Kamaal by a margin of over 7, 000 votes in 2008 Assembly elections. Mir polled 18, 253 votes and Kamaal 11, 812.
The inhabitants of dozens of villages while talking to EXCELSIOR said major projects like Narbal Tangmarg Road (NTR), healthcare centers, power project and intra-district roads were constructed, yet they complain about day to day problems faced by them.
The constituency represented has better position on developmental front in some fields when compared to its neighbouring constituencies. One can easily differentiate between its borders with that of its neighbouring constituencies which are behind in developmental issues like better roads etc. “After few minutes of drive on this dilapidated road, you will see a macadamized road and that better road is the beginning of Gulmarg constituency,” a group of locals of Nehalpora- Darweshbagh in Baramulla’s Pattan constituency told Excelsior.
Similar views were expressed by the people of Vedpora village of Baramulla constituency after travelling from Baramulla town to tourist place Baba Reshi.
However, the inhabitants of Khaipora belt including Watalpora, Waniloo, Hajibal, Chotipathri, Fajipora, Warpora, Battoo, Ziran, Badipora, Nambal Nar, Ferozpora, Drung, Sheikhpora and Reshipora said that scores of link roads were left unattended for years, because of which locals face a lot of problems.
The residents of these villages said that at some places transporters refuse to operate due to the dilapidated condition of roads. “Drung is a tourist place only some three kilometers away from Tangmarg town, but tourists and transporters show reluctance to visit the place, as the only road connecting the area is in dilapidated condition because of which local business in the area is worst hit,” said locals.
They said that keeping in view forth coming elections, patch work of some roads has been started in the constituency. “Sub standard material was used in black topping of roads that lasted for few months only,” the inhabitants said, adding, Gulmarg to Tangmarg vital road link with tourism importance remains in dilapidated condition for most part of the year.
The inhabitants said that people face water scarcity despite living very close to water source, where from water is supplied to Budgam and Pattan. “Our water resources have been diverted to other areas and locals face a lot of problems,” Abdul Rashid, a local said. “We get only few hours of water supply in a day which is not sufficient, and people have to fetch water from Nallas and canals,” he said.
Like Rashid, scores of inhabitants alleged that main source of drinking water has not been only diverted to other neighbouring constituencies, but also used to feed the newly constructed power project at Drung.
“Main water source at Guerwun has been diverted to Power house, because of which taps remain dry most of the time every day,” they alleged, adding, they failed to understand how No Objection Certificate (NOC) was issued by technical wing of Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department for the power project.
The inhabitants of Khaipora alleged that to please influential hoteliers and security forces deployed in the area major quantity of drinking water is being supplied to hotels to ensure 24 hours water supply to them, while as, public is left in lurch.
“PHE has never replaced pipes from water source Drung to villages, leading to leakages and water losses,” they said, adding, these damaged pipes suck drain water at many places through that is a cause of concern.
The inhabitants said that accumulation of silt has choked several pipes due to which pressure of water in pipes has been reduced, thus, many villages relying on these pipes are suffering.
Javaid Ahmad, a local said the main source of tank at Mahin village is without roof. He said in sunny days scores of monkeys have been witnessed bathing in the same tank. “The Mini-water reservoir for tape water at Mahin is like a pond and authorities have failed to ensure its purity,” he said.
Residents of Kunzar, Lalpora, Karhama and other adjoining villages said apart from potable water scarcity the canal water (Nalla Ferozpora) has also been polluted as large number of stone crushers have come up in the Nallah. “At least two dozen stone crushers and two macadam plants have been allowed to function on the banks of Ferozpora Canal,” they said.
“23 stone crushers and two macadam plants are allowed to function in irrigation and drinking canal around Shrai Kulhama, that has polluted not only the precious water canal, but also affected nearby population and crops,” Abdul Khaliq, a local said.
Khaliq also alleged that two more macadam plants have been sanctioned in the same area and land deal was carried with the consent of local MLA. “One more stone crusher is in Karhama and two more crushers are at Lal Pora- Kunzar Nallah,” he said.
Residents of Kunzar said that dozens of Tippers laden with construction material are ferried to tourist resort Gulmarg despite High Court ban on construction in the area. “Nobody, even police men and Gulmarg Development Authority dears to touch or stop these Tipper drivers,” they said, adding, they have “indirect” consent from MLA to carry out illegal constructions.
The inhabitants said that there is dearth of timber despite falling in A-zone forest category and people are forced purchase imported timber. “See the casual attitude of our MLA, forest clearance is carried every year and the same wooden logs are supplied to other areas, whereas, for last six years even sanctioned timber was not distributed among needy people,” they said.
Residents of Tangmarg also said that hundreds of hoteliers from other parts of the State are using Gulmarg for their business purposes, while as, their local representative failed to hold them accountable for polluting environment, water resources and other natural endowments. “Tons of garbage is openly dumped in lush green forests, that has not only endangered trees, but also polluted soil, air and water in the area,” they said.
The inhabitants said that MLA might be doing everything he could to market Gulmarg as the high end tourist destination and a perfect venue for winter sports among its rivals, but he seems least bothered about the cleanliness of the area. “It has put threat to the ecology, flora and causing inconvenience to the tourists visiting to the place,” they said.
An employee of GDA told Excelsior that the sanitation of Gulmarg was outsourced in 2011, but with poor monitoring and disinterest of MLA, the project was never successful and installation of incinerators for scientific garbage disposal is yet to be implemented.
They said that the smell emanating from huge piles of garbage scattered over the long slopes on main road has engulfed the only area, thus forces people to close window panes of their vehicles while leading towards Gulmarg.
Scores of inhabitants also alleged that MLA has patronized more than 3,000 pony wallas of the area that are working in Gulmarg with horses without any license. “You can’t dare to touch a pony walla, because of the patronage of MLA to them,” local drivers said.
The large number of ponies in Gulmarg bowl has led to foul smell as pony dung is spread all over. “I visited Gumlarg after 5 years but it has become a concrete jungle with litter all over. I couldn’t come out of the hotel due to foul smell”, says Mohammad Yasin, a local visitor from Srinagar.
The residents of the constituency said that Mir being MLA has given free hand to the contractors, workers and relatives in looting the natural resources in the area, because of which locals not only have to face lot of problems, but these natural endowments have been left at the mercy of them.
They said: “What is the fun of constructing mega roads and hotels when people are being slowly poisoned to death by supplying highly contaminated water,” Ghulam Mohammad, of Gulmarg town told EXCELSIOR.
Mohammad said their representative should focus on pure water supply, improvement of health care services and ensure uninterrupted scheduled power supply, and then these buildings and roads would be beneficial to people.
The residents alleged that despite spending crores of rupees on construction of water tank at many places and on different water supply schemes, the authorities failed to supply filtrated water.
Since farming is the main source of economy in this constituency, the inhabitants said for that they need proper irrigation canals, but the canals are dysfunctional as these are not cleaned by Irrigation Department despite the farmers paying irrigation tax (Aabiyan) regularly.
Although, many inhabitants of this Constituency told Excelsior that they are satisfied with the timely construction of many projects with the personal efforts of Agriculture Minister and MLA Gulmarg Assembly constituency, but maintained that little attention was the need of the hour to be given to some other important projects like drinking water supply, electricity and health care.
Residents also expressed dissatisfaction with the functioning of Tangmarg Hospital and other health centers in the constituency, adding there was a lot of scope for the better health care services. “The hospitals lack staff and accountability”, they alleged.
The farmers of the area said that instead of development in agriculture sector, Mir as Agriculture Minister has failed to meet the essential needs of farmers. “Lack of irrigation facilities to sub-standard pesticides, sprays and fertilizers has damaged the agro-economy of the area,” the farmers said.
Locals also alleged that MLA has posted all his close officials at top positions in many Government departments in the constituency to work as per the aspirations of MLA. “No officer in the area dares to avoid dictations of MLA, because of which MLA works are carried out freely, while as other people have to suffer,” they said, even PRC or any documents is not issued without his clearance.
The MLA Gulmarg, Mir said that he has revolutionized the area by assuring development in every sphere for the benefit of locals. He said Gulmarg looks a model constituency in the area due to massive development carried from last six years.
Mir admitted that there was still a lot of scope for improvement in delivering developmental works as per the needs and aspirations of people.  “I have worked as per plan in my constituency and ensured that no village will remain backward in my constituency on developmental front,” he said, adding, the far flung and backward villages in Gulmarg constituency have witnessed a “new developmental era” from 2002 to till date.
The MLA said that some areas have remained little far from the development till date due to slow pace in development works, but was quick to add that how MLA was accountable for every problem when there is no work culture and accountability in the execution of works.
Mir said that power house doesn’t consume water, but some people have spread propaganda that power generation would be threat for drinking water source, which is false. “Water diversion took place for power house, which created problem for few months initially but it was later resolved,” he said.
The MLA said Government priority is to supply water to every house hold in its first phase in raw or filtered form and the same mission was successfully carried in his tenure. “As an MLA, I ensured that water should reach to every family, then think of its filtration,” he said.
Mir said in the second phase filtered water is supposed to be provided to every household and for that three vital filtration plants are functional in the constituency, while as, five new filtration plants would be made functional soon. “Water Supply Scheme Panditpora, Haribata, Dara Kasi, Batoo are supplying filtered water to more than 50 villages,” he said.
The MLA said stone crushers don’t cause pollution as they have proper permission from Pollution Control Board (PCB). “It is the duty of PCB to monitor the functioning of these crushers and if anyone is found violating the norms he will face legal action,” he said.
Mir said that many irrigation canals were constructed during last six years at Ferozpora nallah to provide water to the farmers. “Khai Kul and Babul Kul are also complete and Tillgam and Khoee canals are under execution,” he said.
The MLA said that a battery of tube wells at Kutpora, Chechiloora and other dozens of villages were made functional because of which a good portion of Karewa land came under irrigation which boosting crop production in the area.  “Vegetables are cultivated on 800 kanals of land in Gom Ahmadpora,” Mir said.
Mir said to boost agricultural activities, many pilot projects of different schemes were taken in the area from last six years.
The MLA said Narbal Tangmarg Road (NTR) connecting Gulmarg with Srinagar city was constructed in his tenure. “With the construction of NTR, locals as well as tourist feel relieved from frequent jams,” he said.  “To make NTR more favorable for visitors and locals in the night hours, Mir said that flood lights would be made functional within two weeks of time.
Mir said a much needed Government college was established in my constituency. “Seven high schools have been upgraded and scores of primary school were opened under SSA, middle schools were established after every 2 kilometers, while as high school after every 3 kilometers,” he said.
The MLA, however, admitted that there is no Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in his constituency. “Rs 50 lakhs are lying unutilized for last many years with DC Baramulla as the locals have failed to identify land for Industrial Institute,” he said.
To ensure quality treatment of patients at its nearest hospital, Mir said that three emergency hospitals at Magam, Kunzar and Tangmarg are working 24×7. “New PHC’s at Kunzar, Heriwantoo, Sariwarpora were opened,” he said, adding, 11 sub-centers have been sanctioned and work on them will start very soon. He said that digital X-ray facility was also made available in the Tangmarg hospital.
MLA admitted that a good number of employees were adjusted in the hospital with the aim of strengthening man power in the hospital and that also provided employment avenues to scores of unemployed youth. “They get their salary from hospital development funds,” he said.
Mir said to strengthen power infrastructure in the constituency, maximum share of his CDF was utilized for providing wires, electricity poles and transformers to the people. Mir said he also fenced more than 40 graveyards by utilizing CDF.
“Power position is better than other areas in my constituency, but not upto the mark,” he said. “I have strengthened the grid station capacity and receiving station capacity,” he said.
Mir said he has developed tourism sector in his area that revolutionized local economy. “I have chosen 15-16 local shrines, monuments, other local places and developed them as heritage tourism sites,” he said.
The MLA said: “Rs 21 lakhs were distributed among students as scholarships and more than 10, 000 widows get benefit from social welfare scheme.”
To provide administrative benefit to the people, Mir said new administrative units were created in his constituency. “Now people need not to visit Baramulla town for minor works, I brought administrative units at their door step,” he said.
The MLA said that Drang to Googaldara and Shranz to Baba Reshi roads were constructed. “75 percent roads in my constituency are black topped, while as, only 20 percent link roads are not upto the mark,” he added.