Gupkar Alliance sans people: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 16: Hitting out at the leaders of Gupkar Alliance, BJP spokesman, Brig Veteran Anil Gupta, today said that alliance is a conglomeration of sworn foes till yesterday who fought with each other for loaves of power and now are jointly struggling for their political resurrection.
In a statement issued here, today he said “It is thus an alliance of power seekers sans the people, These power seekers, like in the past, are once again attempting emotional exploitation of innocent people of Kashmir by selling them false hopes and making unachievable promises,. In order to remain relevant they want Kashmir to remain in turmoil ignoring the wishes and aspirations of the people.”
“In any case safeguarding the interests of the common people was never the agenda of these power seekers,” lamented Brig Gupta. “Gupkar for the Kashmir is has always been a symbol of VVIP culture and this meeting was only to safeguard their VVIP status and nothing else. It is a newly formed club of mutual back scratchers without any concern for the sentiments of the people. Also, the alliance lacks mandate to represent the concerns and sentiments of the people of Jammu and Leach’’, he added.
Criticising Dr Abdullah’s claim that theirs is a Constitutional battle, he said all these leaders know that the decision to abrogate 370, a temporary provision, and 35A, inserted illegally in the Constitution was taken by a 2/3rd majority of Parliament which draws its authority from the Constitution. Moreover, the matter is subjudice. Yet Farooq has invited China to help in reversing the abrogation of 370. “Does it not amount to sedition? Do his alliance partners concur with him? Is it in the interest of Kashmiri people?” questioned Brig Gupta. It appears intent of the alliance is much more than what has been said, he added.
The decision of Congress to stay away from the meeting is tactical since both Gupkar Declarations bears the signatures of Congress leaders. Though Congress president G A Mir himself feigned absence due to COVID screening, he also did not depute any other leader to attend. The decision of the Congress is driven more by the repercussion it could face in Bihar election than any change of heart, asserted the spokesperson, he added.