Gupta pays tributes to Mookerji

Excelsior Correspondent
Jammu, June 22: Dr. Shayama Parsad Mookerji  was a great soul and visionary. He believed in one constitution and no differential treatment on the basis of religion, caste or creed .He was opposed to any kind of division on the basis of religious faith
Paying him rich tributes on the 60th anniversary of martyredom of Dr Mookerji, the former Union Minister and M.L.A , Prof Chaman lal Gupta observed that it was an irony of fate that his Kashmir mission of is still incomplete even after six decades as certain politicians fail to understand the philosophy and the outlook of Dr. Mookerji, who believed in one constitution for all parts of the country.
Termning Dr.Mookerji as a great patriot, Prof Gupta pointed out that he had entered this State defying the Permit system which was like visa for coming and going outside the State as if this was not an integral part of the country. Because of the martyredom of Dr.Mookerji , the permit system was abolished. Many important measures were taken in the process of integration. The Juridiction of the Supreme Court, Election Commission as also that of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India & some other measures have been extended towards integration. But still much remains to be done.
The separate Constitution of the State and article 370 still remain to be the big hurdles. The people of the state have been deprived of many of the vitures of Indian Constitution. The empowerment of the basis democracies including that of Panchayats, Local Bodies, etc are being denied, he added.