Gupta urges Govt to tackle cross border terror on priority basis

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 18:  The former Union Minister of State Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta and sitting MLA for Jammu West Constituency has emphasized for tackling on priority basis the cross border terror and other related issues which were part of the proxy war launched by Pakistan over two decades ago as the cosmetic measures would not yield any meaningful results.
Referring to the recent New Delhi visit of the Pakistan Interior Minister, Rehman Malik and also the ongoing activities of the Goodwill Mission by the, “Civil Society” members from Pak occupied Kashmir in this State, Prof. Gupta observed that such like confidence building measures would not work much unless the basic problems are taken up in earnest manner, he added.
It is regrettable that there appears little efforts to hit at the roots of the disease, he said, adding that the terror and friendship cannot work together.
Prof. Gupta said that it was strange that Pakistan is still indulging in promoting cross border terrorism and leaving no stone unturned to bleed India by pouring fake currency, narcotics and what not.
In this regard, he pointed out that ceasefire violations have been almost doubled this year with a design to infiltrate the ultras. “Fake currency notes are being smuggled at an alarming scale.  Narcotics are being sent in a planned manner and above all secessionism is being encouraged by financing the separatists” he said.
He said there must be clarity of approach, which could bring peace and lead to solution of complex problems created by the imperialists by inflicting a painful divide on communal basis although the people of both sides are having same blood and liked with a common heritage.