Gupta’s concern over settlement of foreigners in PoK, J&K

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 14: Former Union Minister and MLA, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta has asked the Government at New Delhi to take due note of getting settled large number of foreigners in Jammu and Kashmir especially in Pak held areas as there is no let up in the designs of elements hostile to India and the separatists continue to harp on settling the so called Kashmir problem through plebiscite.
Commenting upon the reports after Pakistani’s and Afgani’s, now large number of Burmease are being settled in occupied Kashmir particularly in Chhamb, Bhimber and other such like areas is a serious development and Government of India must take note of it. He pointed out that over the years there has been total cleansing of Hindu-Sikh and other minorities by the invaders although they formed about 35 percent of the population there before the partition of the country in 1947.
He further said Pakistan did not vacate these held areas even in accordance with the UN Resolutions. Ignoring the UN directions Pakistan on the contrary resorted to constructions of permanent nature for benefit of Pakistan. These also included massive raising of Mangla Dam because of which entire historic city of Mirpur as also hundreds of villages have drowned under Dam waters. The lakhs of people had to move other places including Gulf and other countries.
Large portions of the state have been handed over to China also under the design by Pak.