Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji

Inderjeet S.Bhatia “Prince”
Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji ,the 8th master of the Sikhism, was born in July 1656 AD, in Kiratpur Sahib, to his father, the 7th Guru ji of the Sikhism, Guru Har Rai ji and Mata Krishan Devi ji.Guru ji was the youngest of all the ten Gurus of Sikhism.Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji became 8th Sikh Guru at the age of five.Guru ji received Guruship on 8th November 1661 AD at KIRATPUR SAHIB with the shortest period of Guruship of only 2 years and 5 months. Guru Har Rai ji had three children. Baba Ram Rai ji ,Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji and daughter, Bibi Roop Kaur ji. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji displayed remarkable virtues and talents during his childhood. It so happened that the elder son of Guru Har Rai ji ,Baba Ram Rai,at the behest of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, decided to alter the sacred BANI of Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji. This pleased the Mughal emperor so much that he granted Baba Ram Rai a “Jagir”(A gift of a piece of land) In Dehradun. This act saddened his father,Guru Har Rai ji who asked him never to show his face to him for the rest of his life. Guru Ram Rai ji declared him ineligible for the Guruship of Sikhs. .Guru Har Rai ji nominated his younger son, Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji to succeed him as the next Guru of Sikhism. As such, Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji, who was the chosen to be the 8th master of the Sikhism, received Guruship on 8th November 1661 AD at the age of five years and three months
The historians’ point of view was that Aurangzeb rewarded Baba Ram Rai ji only to create a rift and quarrel between the two brothers. Dr Hari Ram Gupta writes in his book ,”History Of The Sikhs “, “After Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji had become the 8th Sikh Guru, the Emperor summoned Guru ji to his court about deleting some verses from the holy Adi Granth Sahib Ji as compiled under the guidance of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Raja Jai Singh, the trusted man in the court of Aurangzeb was assigned this task. Raja Jai Singh, humbly requested young Guru ji to come to Delhi and assured that he will make all arrangements of Guru ji’s stay at Delhi. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji, thus, undertook the journey to Delhi via Panokhara,near present day of Ambala where Guru ji stayed for a night.” A local priest, who used to teach the holy Gita to the people here, came to know about Guru ji’s visit. Out of jealousy, he thought that my Lord only known as Krishna. Who does this little boy think he is? “He went to see Guru ji and challenging him said, “You must be greater than Lord Krishna. Why don’t you tell me the meaning of the Gita and explain some of Gita ‘s “Shalok “(verses). Guru ji read his thoughts but remain calm and said, “You think I am too young to understand the divine knowledge of Gita. Even a humble disciple of mine can explain the Gita to you. Go outside and find any humble person. He will explain the Gita for both of us”. The priest cleverly decided to find a person who could not even read or write. He found a boy who when asked his name, stuttered told his name as ,Ch,….Chhh,…Chajju .The boy was looking like an abnormal human being who could not read or write. The priest thought, He can hardly utter his name let’s see him giving deep explanations of the Gita.The priest choose the most difficult parts of the Gita for Chajju to explain. At this, Guru ji took out his staff (A poled rod or mace) and touched Chajju’s head with it. Guru ji said,Chajju ,you are now a wise scholar. I want you to explain the Gita. Astonshingly, Chajju began to explain the mysterious “sholak” in a clear and understandable way. The Priest was surprised that Chajju explained the” Sholak” perfectly. He Astonshingly picked out another very difficult” Shalok ” Chajju again explained it perfectly. The priest could not believe what he was hearing. He just heard explanations of the Gita he had not thought before. He begged forgiveness from the Sikh Guru ji saying, “Forgive me, I thought you were just another little boy who could not know anything. I myself was a proud man with useless knowledge. You are the one with God and know everything. God is speaking through you. I am a child before you .Please forgive me. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji blessed him .He became a humble disciple of Guru ji and began to live righteously and be serviceful.This incident give us a lesson that God is in everything. If a child is one with God,that child is beyond time. Our souls are part of the one Soul, the Almighty, which is immortal. So what does it matter if a person is old or young.Gurudwara Panjokhara Sahib is situated at this place nowadays.
On reaching Delhi, Raja Jai Singh made all arrangements for the comfortable stay of Guru ji at his residence situated on the outskirts of Delhi. The famous Gurudwara Shree Bangla Sahib ji stands at that place at present. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji is also known as Bala Pritam meaning child God. Guru ji dedicated his short life to the selfless service of the mankind and remembering Waheguru ji’s name (Naam)
It was during Guru ji’s stay here in the year,1664, that a deadly disease of smallpox and Cholera had spread in the city of Delhi. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji saved Delhi from the deadly pandemic of Smallpox and Cholera fever. As stated earlier, Guru ji stayed on the outskirts of Delhi at a,place where Gurudwara Shree Bangla Sahib ji stands these days. Guru ji stayed there and started self less service of all the patients suffering from the deadly disease. Guru ji went to each and every sick person ,cured and blessed them.Guru Sahib ji took all their pain and sufferings upon themselves. Guru ji was least concerned about potentially getting sick and simply wanted to help others. For this reason, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji has written the following verse in Guru Granth Sahib Ji:
“Guru Harkrishan Dhihayyien,
Jis Dithe Sab Dukh Jaaye !”
( I remember Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji, by whose sight all the sufferings vanish.)
In line with Guru Nanak Dev ji’s teachings, Guru ji served everyone regardless of caste, race and socioeconomic status. While serving and treating the patients, Guru ji contracted smallpox. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji, thus, was confined to bed for several days and became very sick. Guru ji ,on coming to know about his departure to the heavenly abode, told the Sikh Sangat present there that the next Guru ji of the Sikhs would be in “Baba Bakala “, referring to the city in which Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib ji was living at that time. Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji, thus, embraced Waheguru ji’s “Hukum” and immersed into the eternal light before turning eight years of age on 16th April 1664 AD at Delhi, As narrated earlier, Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji was the youngest Sikh Guru in the history of Sikhism. Guru ji, through his deeds, demonstrated that one can connect with the Almighty, the Waheguru ji, even when they are young and naive.
In the end, it can be said that in human history, there are but a few devotees of God who have achieved a supreme level of spirituality in such a tender age, as Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji did. Despite his young age, Guru ji used to delight the hearts of his disciples by their commentaries on the passages from the holy Adi Granth Sahib Ji, which later came to be known as the holy Guru Granth Sahib Ji in their expanded form..Guru ji reminded people to cherish the one God alone, asking the people to discard passions and learn the virtues of patience, charity and love.
Guru ji left this planet for his heavenly abode on 16th April 1664 AD, at Delhi. Gurudwara Bala Sahib stands at the place where Guru ji was cremated. The Sikh Sangat carried the ashes of Guru ji from Delhi to Kiratpur in Punjab and were immersed in the river Satluj. The worth mentioning fact about Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji’s life was that Guru ji used to be praised and loved by the Hindus and the Muslims people alike. The Hindus would call Guru ji as” Baalmukand” or” Bala Pritam”, and for the Muslims, Guru ji was” Bala Pir”, the child prophet