Guru Rama Rinpoche visits PAGIR, interacts with specially-abled people

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Apr 25: Guru Rama Rinpoche today visited People’s Action Group for Inclusion and Rights (PAGIR) society to interact with physically challenged people.
On the occasion, PAGIR members gave a warm reception to Guru Rinpoche and his delegation. Expressing his delight over meeting with specially-abled members engaged in various activities, PAGIR Rinpoche said that whatever problems or challenges one faces is due to the past ‘Karma’ that one has to accept it as a part of life however one should also feel privileged to be born as human and it is only the mankind who had the opportunity to create good ‘Karma’ during this lifetime for better life after death.
Stressing the need of having patience to cope up the day to day challenges and problems, he emphasized to compassionate and good human being to attain Nirvana. Assuring his best possible help to uplift the physical challenged people, he expressed hope to come back again at PAGIR to interact with them. Later during interaction session, he responded to number of queries by PAGIR members.
Earlier, welcoming the Rinpoche along with his delegation, PAGIR president Mohd Iqbal briefly apprised the visiting guest about various activities of PAGIR. He mentions about various problems and challenges being faced by physically challenged people in Ladakh. He also mentioned that PAGIR endeavors in advocacy programme to fight for the right of physically challenged person and it is focusing on education to every individual.
He also said that environment issue is global challenge and PAGIR is contributing towards saving the fragile environment by recycling waste material into useful products through their project Jungwa-Shrungskyob project.
Ladakh Nuns’ Association founder president, Dr Tsering Palmo, was also present on the occasion.
Later in the afternoon, Guru Rama Rinpoche also visited Ladakh Nun Association nunnery to interact with the nuns.