Gurudwara massacre

USA, the world policeman might have certainly felt deeply bruised and taken aback, the way a  killer maniac gate crashed into a Gurudwara in Wisconsin where  400 to 500 devotees had assembled for offering obeisance to their divine Guru, started spraying bullets out of free will and managed to hold few children as hostages for a substantial time. The massacre has evoked sharp reaction all over the world especially in India where Sikh community has rightly viewed it as a grave threat to their existence in the USA. The preliminary investigations in the matter have revealed it as a case of white supremacist hate crime by Wade Michael Page, Ex-US Army Person and a white supremacist skin head.
This kind of premeditated and wanton killing case at a religious congregation has landed a rocksolid punch on the superpower status of America with secular credentials. It also exposes deep fissures and underlines gray areas in their public security system which needs to be revamped by them under the changed circumstances. Barack Obama has rightly acknowledged the contribution of Sikh Community in the progress and prosperity of USA by terming it as integral part of broader American family and one of the most successful immigrant community in their country. The unsavory happening does provide an opportunity to the super state to do some brainstorming and self introspection on their approach to the thorny issues of racial discrimination, religious fundamentalism metamorphosing into trans border terrorism, inter and intra state hate campaigns.
They have to review their policy of instigating and supporting the countries engaged in such heinous crimes against their neighbourers. Obama has felt the heat and shall be well advised to make a substantial contribution to checkmate and flatten the evil forces by virtue of their mighty stature from spreading and expanding hate crimes against each other in all earnestness failing which it would boomerang on them and would scuttle all their plans and strategies to insulate America  from the sweeping effects of interstate hatred, discrimination and religious terrorism.
Yours etc….
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar