Guv takes strong note of disrespect to national anthem by KU students

Fayaz Bukhari

SRINAGAR , May 11: The Kashmir University officials and majority of the students today showed disrespect for the National Anthem by not standing up in Kashmir University convocation centre to the Anthem during the inaugural function of a 3-day International Seminar on “Impact of Peace, Conflict and Disturbances on Economic Development Processes”.
The disrespect irked the Chief Guest and Chancellor of Kashmir University, Governor N N Vohra, who took up the matter with the Kashmir University Vice Chancellor Professor, Talat Ahmad, and other officials and directed them that University should ensure that every one shows respect for the National Anthem.
Later a meeting of the Head of the Departments was held and Vice Chancellor asked them to ensure that such disrespect did not occur in future. The HODs’ told VC that they have no control over the students. However, they had no answer for the officials, who didn’t’ show respect for the National Anthem.
The Public Relations Officer of the Kashmir University, Showkat Shafi, played it down by saying that nothing of the sort happened and everything was normal.
Earlier during his address Governor NN Vohra, said that sustained peace, normalcy and stability are vital pre-requisites for securing sustained human development and economic growth of the State.
The Governor, as Chief Guest, inaugurated the 3-day International Seminar that was organized by the Post-Graduate Department of Economics, University of Kashmir, in collaboration with the Indian Economic Association.
The Governor in his address said that adverse security situation in the State besides causing huge human and economic losses, the disturbances caused grave, irreparable damage to the entire education system which had an adverse impact on the careers of youth.
The Governor said that, fortunately, the situation has been improving and the State is moving towards sustained peace and normalcy, adding that youth have an extremely important role to play in strengthening the processes of peace.
He observed that stability and sustained normalcy would go a very long way in speeding up the pace of economic development in State, enabling it to emerge as a frontline State in the whole country in the coming years.
He observed that it would be useful for the participants to particularly discuss the importance of sound education system, good governance, inclusive growth and geo-political environment on the economic development processes, as these are vital factors which would impact growth on all fronts, in any circumstance.
Mr Vohra released a Souvenir and a book titled “Some Aspects of J&K Economy” on this occasion. The book has been authored by Professor GM Bhat, Head, Post-Graduate Department of Economics, University of Kashmir.
Speaking on the occasion, Professor Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University, said that 150 papers are being presented during the seminar. He hoped that participants of the seminar would come up with recommendations which would go a long way in securing rapid economic progress.
Professor GK Chadha, President, South Asian University, in his address, said that the seminar deals with the issue of how violence, conflict and disturbances impinge the economic advancement the world over. He extensively spoke about the genesis of conflicts resulting in instable economic environment.
Professor Sukahdeo Thorat, President, Indian Economic Association and Chairman, ICSSR, in his remarks threw light on the activities of the Association. He hoped that this seminar will generate very useful recommendations for the policy planners. He thanked the Governor for inaugurating the seminar.