Hamlets without road

Through these columns, “Excelsior” in its editionof Sept 24, while appreciating the Governmentagencies and the concerned personnel for performing well in road construction under PMGSY, alsohighlighted the issue of the plight of many areas andvillages in the UT where road connectivity was stilllonged for and the authorities concerned were found least interested in mitigating the woes of
such people.Jeed and Handred in Sumb block of Samba
district though only 62 kms far from the wintercapital of the UT, have no road connectivity. Anyclaims of having done better in the field by theGovernment stand negated if not ridiculed bythe inhabitants of these areas where primitive
methods and modes like horses, mules and palanquins are used to ferry patients to hospitals. 73years of independence means to them perpetual neglect. Needless to add, we strive for Doctors to serve rural areas once in their career at least for
three years but in such conditions, how can we expect a positive response from them when there are neither roads nor any mode of transport as a result thereof. If fruits of economic development,  at least in areas of basic infrastructure, are not partaken by all especially in our rural areas, then  it speaks volumes about faulty planning. We
hope the concerned authorities would accordtop most priority to the issue.