Handover Srinagar Airport to AAI: TAAK

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 27:  Travel Agents Association of Kashmir (TAAK) today urged State Government to ensure conversion of Srinagar Airport into a Civilian Airport with full fledged Instrument Landing System (ILS).
In a statement issued here, the president of TAAK, Manzoor Sidiq said the Airport should be freed from the control of Indian Air Force as it sends wrong signal among tourists.
He said the outdated ILS at the Srinagar Airport has serious impact on Kashmir’s economy as the Valley is greatly dependent on air connectivity particularly in winter due to the frequent closure of the Srinagar-Jammu highway.
“Need of the hour is fully operational ILS at Srinagar airport that could facilitate operation of flights in low-visibility,” said Sidiq, adding: “Of late, the tourist arrivals have curved in and tourist traders were badly hit due to cancellation of flights. Hence it is very imperative for the state government to provide a civilian airport like other airports of India.”