Harnessing Solar energy

Refer news item ‘Harness Solar energy potential’ DE Oct 4, 2017.
In view of serious power crisis in the State, it would be prudent if the Government lays stress on harnessing solar energy for domestic and industrial purposes. However, it has been seen that Government(s) have not shown much interest in this field. The Government must launch a campaign in this direction among the people, but before launching the campaign, it is necessary that the Government makes prerequisite infrastructure available with Government  agencies so that it is readily available for people. Even in Ladakh region where there is great demand for electricity, solar light has not been harnessed. Though at places, one can see solar street lamps, most of the households depend upon generators which produce large volumes of smoke when in use.
The State Power Development Corporation must take the  initiative in this direction, and explore ways to harness solar electricity in the State.
Yours etc…
Promod Gupta