Harnessing Solar Power

This has reference to the editorial’Indeterminate Solar Power'(DE,Jan7,2016).It is sad that our state,though having huge potential for generating solar power, has not harnessed this potential fully.There is no doubt that the whole world is attaching great importance to solar energy,which has little adverse effect on environment and ecology.This green energy helps in replenishing the power need of the country and causes no pollution and thus,protects the fragile environment from degradation. Nature has been generous in endowing our state with  this energy.  As such, the  State Government ought to make every attempt to harness the solar energy to its optimum use.
The solar power plants which have already been installed but have become dysfunctional due to various reasons,need to be repaired to yield energy. The projects sanctioned under Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission should be pursued vigourosly to provide solar energy driven power which,besides being clean and green source of energy,is both cost effective and available in plenty in Ladakh and Kargil where these Projects are proposed to be set up.The huge solar power potential of 142.32GWps,of our state,as per the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) should be harnessed and these two Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects sanctioned for Ladakh region by the State Cabinet in May 2014 need to be set up without much delay.People too ought to be made aware of the benefits of using solar energy and awareness camps must be organised in towns and cities motivating the people to use appliances such as solar cooker,solar geysers,solar oven etc.which use solar energy and cause no pollution.
Yours etc…
Ashok Sharma, Udhampur