Harrassment to fair sex

With disappearance of moral and social values, fair sex in our society stands exposed to extreme exploitation, sexual harrassments domestic violence and even dowry-deaths. The head hangs in shame when instances of gang rapes, deaths due to suicide under compelling circumstances come to light. With globalisation of the society and living trends having been changed many activities are taking place which are entirely against traditional values we had once. Gone are the days when women folk used to be confined to four walls. Modernisation due to education and westernisation have enabled them to enjoy free and open life. But with degradation of moral values and punishments not matching to the crimes given to the guys who commit such heinous crimes, unworthy of any good social order, have failed to deter such persons. Examplary punishments socially and legally once inflicted can curb such activities. Security, dignity, honour and respectful life the womanhood deserves, if not protected and ensured to them, empowerment to woman folk is meaningless. The society which witnesses such scenes should also come forward to save them and condemn such acts. To curb this practice, NGOs, co-operation is to be sought so that the victims of such humiliations are consoled and encouraged to live a respectable to live a respectable life in the society instead of making them to die in shame.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)