HBCA demands recognition of Bhoti language

Representatives of HBCA addressing media persons in Leh on Sunday. — Excelsior/Morup Stazin
Representatives of HBCA addressing media persons in Leh on Sunday. — Excelsior/Morup Stazin

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, Dec 2: Himalayan Buddhist Culture Association (HBCA) Leh reiterated that the people of Himalayan region will continue to raise their strong voice in support of Bhoti language recognition. Addressing a press conference at Press Club Leh, HBCA President Tashi Targais flanked by other members said that the people of this region from Arunachal to Ladakh have been demanding Bhoti language inclusion in the 8th Scheduled of Indian Constitution since 28 years but Government of India continue to give a deaf ear to the demand.
He said that people of this region are very patriotic giving all sort of support to the Indian Army during all wars fought with both China and Pakistan but both Government at State and Centre continues to give squint-eyed treatment to this region.
“Member of Parliament Ladakh Thupstan Chhewang’s resignation over not fulfilling the demands of Ladakhis is a welcome move where the tall leader sacrificed his seat for the Ladakhis and we Himalayan region people always stand by the decision of Ladakh MP,” said Targais.
He further said that Zojila and Rothangla Tunnel projects are for the Defence forces only not for the Ladakh region, adding if the Government of India really thinks about the welfare of this region, it should complete Neemo-Padum-Darcha Road or construct Khardongla Tunnel.
Retired ACR Tsewang Dorjay said that Bhoti is spoken by millions of people from Arunachal to Ladakh besides it fulfils all the criteria, adding that it is unfortunate that the Union Government still fails to fulfil the unanimous demands of all political and religious leaders from Himachal, Arunal Pradesh and J&K.
“It was strongly recommended by Minority Commission and Central Institute of Indian Language to give recognition to Bhoti language besides 125 MPs had signed a joint memorandum on February 21, 1995 but strangely nothing has been done till date, said Tsewang, adding the Home Minister’s assurance given to the joint delegation from Arunachal to Ladakh on March 18, 2018 has no result.