HC seeks report on disciplinary action taken in multi-crore PHE scam

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Feb 16: High Court today directed the Public Health Engineering Department and Police to apprise the Court about the process of investigation and disciplinary action taken into multi-crore scam in PHE division Handwara.
The Division Bench of Justice Mohammad Yaqoob Mir and Justice Sanjeev Kumar passed the direction after the Court was informed that there is no progress so far as investigation in FIR is concerned and department has also not taken any disciplinary action against the erring officials except of their suspension.
“So far the case registered under FIR in Police Station Handwara for embezzlement has not been completed. SHO Concerned to file detailed status report and the stage of investigation”, DB directed.
Amicus also submitted that the disciplinary proceedings against the erring officials has not been finalized. “CE PHE to ensure as to what happened to the disciplinary proceedings and file the status report by next date”, Court directed to CE who was present in the Court.
Court was hearing PIL with regard to much publicized multi-crore scam in PHE division Handwara in which various employees from the rank of Executive Engineer to Junior Engineer are under suspension and facing trial.
The multi-crore embezzlement of public exchequer was unearthed in PHE department of Handwara Division way back in the year 2014 and immediately a PIL was filed before the court seeking probe into the scam and brought under book the erring officials.
Apart from investigation conducted by the Crime Branch in the scam, Commissioner Secretary to Government, Irrigation and Flood Control and PHE Department was earlier directed to report the court about the departmental enquiry initiated against the delinquent officials involved in the scam.
The drinking water scheme in Handwara division was carried under National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP) but the amount which was to be incurred on the said scheme was embezzled by the officials of PHE department due to which the project has not been completed and today extending the scope of the PIL Court directed for appraisal of other water schemes in the valley from the CE.
When asked to CE as to how many schemes for supply of safe drinking water to general masses, he informed the Court that there are about 106 such kind of schemes under process for 6780 habitation and out of which 3790 habitation are totally covered and rest are partially covered.
Court observed to him that safe drinking water is not being supplied to the public and he (CE) shall ensure for the same and inform the Court on next date in this regard. Court sought implementation of those schemes which are in place within a period of 6 weeks. Court directed the CE to form a team for inspection as to whether the safe drinking water is being supplied to the public.
Court also directed him to submit the details of all these schemes and the result of water testing analysis to the Court within 20 days in the first instance. Court while expressing its displeasure over the non seriousness of the department in providing safe drinking water to the people of the valley observed to CE that “system is there, but objects are not achieved”.
It may be mentioned here that approximately Rs 45 Crores has been swindled and the said money was meant for the scheme launched under NRDWP to provide the drinking water to the people of district Handwara and its adjoining hilly areas.
In compliance of earlier Court directions, the department of Public Health Engineering has placed its 16 officials  from the rank of Executive Engineer to Junior Engineer under suspension as they were found involved in irregularities and embezzlement of crores of rupees in NRDWP scandal.