Headless FSL lying defunct: Amberdar

*Matter sub-judice, can’t discuss in LC: Govt
Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Feb 9: The ruling party Legislator, Surinder Mohan Amberdar today virtually cornered the Government in the Upper House of State Legislature, alleging that J&K Forensic  Science Laboratory (FSL), connected with the vital component of Police investigations, is lying headless since long and has been rendered almost defunct.
Not only this, the height of non-seriousness on the part of  State Home/Police Department can be gauged from the fact that the Lab do not have even DNA, explosive devices, finger prints, biological  experts, with the result, the Police investigations are badly affected across the entire State. Six posts of Deputy Directors are also lying vacant. Neither the State Police Chief  nor the Minister Incharge Home Department (Chief Minister), bothered to fill up these posts and strengthen this vital wing, assisting Police investigations.
The issue was raised by the BJP member, SM Amberdar during ‘Question  Hour’, seeking reason for not filling up these vacant posts since long. He said most of the Scientific Officers are working in Own Pay and Grade (OPG) and the post of Director was lying vacant since long. Non-Technical persons have been deputed from the other departments.  He claimed that even Joint Director presently posted is non-technical officer there.
It takes months together to get postmortem/ autopsy reports from the FSL to the Police Investigation Officers (IOs), related to murders/ mysterious deaths and other crime related cases. It delays delivery of  justice to the public.
The BJP MLC also referred to a recent report of  Daily Excelsior in which the paper has  exposed the state of affairs in the J&K FSL at Srinagar and Jammu.
Not only BJP member, the Congress members Ghulam Nabi Monga & Naresh Gupta,  NC Member Qaiser  Jamsheed Lone and BJP Legislator Ramesh Arora also cornered the Minister.
Though  Minister for Agriculture,  Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura, who was responding on behalf of Home Minister (CM), responded that two Forensic Science Labs were  working smoothly in the State, yet he chose to avoid response on filling up of posts claiming that matter was pending in the court, so it can not be discussed in the House.  He virtually tried to escape reply.
Qaiser Lone  asked which nature of  case was pending in the court and the Minister should inform  the House.  GN Monga  and  Ramesh Arora said they were also lawyers by profession  and Government must clarify on which subject there is binding from the court. They asked who have stopped Government to fill up vacant lying posts or fill up post of director.
Having been trapped from all the sides, then the Minister for FCS&CA, Ch Zulfkar stood up for the rescue of his Cabinet colleague Ghulam Nabi Lone  and explained that it is binding on this House not to discuss the case which is pending in the court of law.
On this, the two BJP members Arora and Amberdar, G N Monga & Naresh Gupta from Congress and NC members   Qaiser Lone and Showkat Ganai stood up and said that Government was avoiding reply. They are unable  to explain position. They have just devised escape route by saying so. Naresh Gupta from Congress  remarked that what debars the Government to discuss it here, the minister must tell.  The Minister,  did not respond despite repeated pleas of the Members of Upper House. The Chairman tried to  cool down the  Members and asked them to take their seats. He did not force Minister to reply and went ahead for next question.
Amberdar then moved near the Well of the House threatening to stage walk-out as he was not satisfied with the Government reply. He alleged that Chairman was not allowing him to ask question and forcing to walk out.  The Minister, however, later assured to contest the case vigorously in the court and fill up vacant posts as early as possible. With the Minister’s assurance, Amberdar then returned to his seat.
Earlier, replying to the main question of Amberdar, Minister informed the Upper House that there are two Forensic Science Laboratories (FSLs) functional in the State, one each in twin capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar.
He said six field mobile units are also functional in Jammu division and eight in Kashmir division,  while two divisions for DNA profiling and Computer/Cyber/Voice Identif-ication/Video Authentica-tion Technology have been created for modernization of laboratories.
Lone, further said that the Government has also procured laboratory equipments under MoPF scheme for FSL, Srinagar/Jammu.
Giving details of the sanctioned staff strength in FSL, the minister said  the staff included, one  Director, one Joint Director, six Deputy Directors and 12 Scientific Officers. Presently, one Joint Director, 10 I/C Scientific  Officers  and 15 Assistant Scientific Officers were in place. The above staff is also assisted by Lab Assistants/ Lab Attendants.