Heal your body with emotions!

Dr. Shveata Misra

“Your mind, emotions and body are instruments and the way you align and tune them determines how well you play life”.
How true these words are. It’s not always that the pain you suffer mentally or physically could be the reason of some serious injuries of past or recent. The chronic pains are also the result of stress and emotional issues. At times physical pain alerts you that some emotional rejuvenation is required. After all Life can be an emotional roller coaster. During my research as well as practice I found some of my patients were suffering from severe headache. And the first thing I always ask them is to stop being too serious about the surroundings and over thinking about everything in life. As such things generally push you in the state of anxiety and stress that impairs the normal healing of self.
Chronic pain can tell a lot about person’s emotions and state of mind. Let’s take a look at what pain in a particular area of your body indicates:
Headaches can be caused by stress life. If someone has chronic headaches she/he needs to grab some time for themselves on daily basis. Relaxing may help you to relieve your body from the head pain.
Neck pain implies the need to forgive. It may be to forgive yourself or to forgive some other person. It is very important to focus on things that you love about yourself or what others love in you.
Pain in the shoulders is sign that person carries a heavy emotional burden. Shoulders carry everything. To solve this problem share the load with friends or family.
Upper Back
Upper back pain manifests lack of emotional support. Probably the person is holding back feelings or doesn’t feel appreciated. Just talk about your feelings with your partner or close friend.
Lower Back
Pain in the lower back shows that person has financial worries. Sit down and focus on managing money.
Elbow and arm pain signifies a lack of flexibility. Try not to resist the natural changes in your life.
Pain in the hands may be caused by a lack of friends. Try to meet new people.
Fear of change, moving or waiting on a big decision can cause the hip pain. Make the changes step by step.
Pain in the knee is a sign of high self-esteem. Maybe you should try to do some volunteering work and remember no one is perfect.
Calf pain is caused by stress, emotional tension or jealousy. Maybe it is time to let go the jealousy or any big stressor in your life.
Pain in the ankle means that you need more pleasure in your life. Try to enjoy the little things and every moment in your life.
Foot pain occurs if you fight with depression. Depression is a specific disease, but for a start try to find a new hobby or just adopt a pet.
This concept is scientifically proven so before adopting medicine or concern for the doctor, give some time and observe your thought, it heals you automatically.
(The author is Music Psychologist and Therapist)