Monday, March 17, 2025


Swelling in Neck : What to do?

Dr K K Pandey Either during your childhood or at young age,you would have noticed a protruding swelling or solid tumour like growth that persisted...

From Flu to Shingles Vaccines for every adult

Dr Rehana Kausar Vaccination is one of the most visible success stories of public health. The eradication of smallpox, the elimination of diseases like polio,...

Sudden Jerk Sports Injuries | The hidden threat and how to prevent them

Pragun Sharma Sports and physical activities are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, but many people are unaware of the long-term impact of sudden-jerk...

Endometriosis Simple answers to a complex condition

Dr Neha Gupta Endometriosis is an enigmatic condition, affecting about 10% of females in their reproductive age group. We call it an enigma as the...

Diabetes is deadly enemy of your feet

Dr K K Pandey Nowadays, as the number of diabetic patients is increasing rapidly due to unhealthy life style, the condition of their feet is...

Republic Day 2025 A healthy India or just a healthy dream?

Dr Preeti Sharma, Dr Vikas Sharma As the tricolor graces the sky and speeches about progress echo in every corner, let's pause for a moment...

Women and Eye Health

Dr Bhavani Raina Eyes are windows to the world and since ages paeans have been written to describe their beauty.Beauty is incomplete without women.Maintaning the...

Benefits of fermented Yogurt

Tanika Mahajan, Upma Dutta, Sneahpreet Kour In recent years, the importance of gut health has gained significant attention, and rightly so. The human gut, often...

HMPV Outbreak in India: Separating Facts from Fear

Dr Mandeep Singh Azad, Dr Manmeet HMPV outbreak in China has sparked global concern, prompting countries like India to closely monitor the virus and its...

Navigating Heart Health in Cold weather

Dr Arvind Kohli Winter is a season of cozy nights by the fire, snowflakes drifting gently from the sky, and a time to celebrate the...

New Year new beginning Craft healthy minds

Dr Mandeep Kaur Welcome to a fresh new year full of endless possibilities for growth. We tend to look for opportunities to wipe the proverbial...